Headcount by Religion and belief
76.0% (compared to 76.3% in 2022) of employees have stated their religion and belief. Wiltshire census data 2021 indicates that 50.2% of the Wiltshire population is Christian, 41.3% have no religion and 2.5% have other religion or belief. Low figures in some of the other religion or belief categories have meant that we are not able to include all data due to confidentiality reasons. Our unstated figure is 24% compared to 6.02% for the Wiltshire population (ONS, census 2021).
Headcount by Religion and BeliefReligion and Belief | % of total Council headcount |
Christian | 33.5% |
No religion | 38.9% |
Other religion or belief | 3.5% |
Unstated | 24.0% |
Recruitment by Religion and Belief
Total recruitmentReligion and belief | % of total applied | % of total shortlisted | % of total appointed |
Christian | 27.6% | 27.4% | 23.1% |
No religion | 35.8% | 41.8% | 39.7% |
Other religion or belief | 5.9% | 1.7% | 0.9% |
Unstated | 30.7% | 29.2% | 36.4% |
Internal recruitmentReligion and belief | % of total applied | % of total shortlisted | % of total appointed |
Christian | 27.7% | 26.7% | 26.0% |
No religion | 53.7% | 55.2% | 53.0% |
Other religion or belief | 2.6% | 0.8% | 0.7% |
Unstated | 15.9% | 17.3% | 20.3% |
Pay grade
The proportion of staff from 'other religion or beliefs' in the top pay grades has decreased from 6.6% in 2022 to 5.1%. It has increased in grades L/M from 15.6% in 2022 to 18.2%.
Pay gradeGrades grouped | Christian | No religion | Other religion or belief | All staff |
B/C | 5.7% | 3.4% | 2.8% | 7.0% |
D/E | 14.0% | 12.0% | 14.8% | 16.9% |
F/G | 16.3% | 14.9% | 19.3% | 14.8% |
H/I | 23.9% | 28.4% | 25.6% | 26.0% |
J/K | 18.3% | 19.7% | 14.2% | 16.6% |
L/M | 12.7% | 12.5% | 18.2% | 11.0% |
N/O/Hay | 9.3% | 9.0% | 5.1% | 7.8% |
Turnover rates by Religion and Belief
The turnover rate for staff from 'Other religion or belief' was 12.3% which is in line with the total workforce at 12.2%.
Turnover rates by Religion and BeliefReligion and Belief | Turnover rate |
Christian | 9.4% |
No religion | 10.9% |
Other religion or belief | 12.3% |
Unstated | 18.3% |
Whole council | 12.2% |