Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium is available to all children of statutory school age who are in the care of the Local Authority. It is for spending on named looked-after children as part of their Personal Education Plan monitored by the Virtual School and the Local Authority.
Pupil Premium is managed by the Virtual School Head (VSH) and used for the benefit of looked-after children to support their educational needs as described in their Personal Education Plan.
It should be used to improve the educational outcomes for a child in terms of their:
- Attainment
- Aspiration
- Participation
The impact of the use of Pupil Premium will be discussed at the PEP review meeting.
The proposed interventions will be reviewed and amended if required at each PEP.
If a young person moves school during the year the allocated pupil premium will move with them. Any new looked after pupils taken on your roll will receive funding once the initial PEP has been completed.
Wiltshire Virtual School publishes a Pupil Premium Policy each year which sets out how the funding should be used to support improved educational outcomes for children in care.
A copy of the policy is included with the PEP documentation and is accessible to all Designated Teachers.