Housing Newsletter - April 2024
Welcome to the April Better Homes, Better Lives newsletter
In this edition there is an essential update for residents about the 53-week year in 2024/25 and what this means for rent payments. We also have information about how you can help us provide a better service, community events we have supported, the latest Neighbourhood Review and more information on home safety, this time focusing on water.
Remember, information about Wiltshire Council's cost-of-living support, including energy cost advice, housing advice and financial support, can be found at www.wiltshire.gov.uk/cost-of-living these pages are updated regularly.
Win a hamper donated by Tesco in our monthly prize draw!
This month you have a chance to win a prize hamper sponsored by Tesco.
For your chance to win simply email us at Tenantparticipation@wiltshire.gov.uk (opens new window) with your name and address before the closing date of 4pm on 12 April 2024 and you will be entered into the draw. Your entry email must include your name and address including postcode for it to be valid and go into the draw. Please do not simply send a blank email.
Our March winner, Mrs Spreadbury was delighted to receive her hamper.
Better Homes
Do you receive Universal Credit to pay your rent?
If the answer is yes, please read this important information about the 53-week year and take action.
The 53-week year - what it means for you and your rent
This year is known as a 53-week rent year, which means your rent will be charged 53 times instead of 52. This is because in 2024/25 there are 53 Mondays in the year.
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has said it won't pay any extra Universal Credit to cover this. This means that if you receive Universal Credit you will need to pay a little extra each week to ensure your rent is covered and you don't fall into arrears. You can work out what you will need to pay by multiplying your weekly rent by 53. Divide that number by 12. This will give you your monthly rent payment for this year.
If you do not understand and are unsure of what to do, please get in touch with our Housing Income team on 0300 456 0117 (option 1).
You must tell Universal Credit (DWP) that your rent has changed.
Under Universal Credit it is YOUR responsibility to report any change in your rent or circumstances via your on-line account/journal as soon as possible. The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) will not accept notification from Wiltshire Council of any change to your rent, you must do this.
You need to report changes to your rent so you keep getting your payments at the correct amount each month. Your claim may be stopped if you don't report a change of circumstances straight away.
If you have any questions please call the Housing Income Team on: 0300 456 0117 (option 1).
Better Neighbourhoods
The Comms and Tech group - a chance for you to help us improve our communications
This informal group will look at ways we can improve our communications and the technology we use to support our tenants and services. From the printed word to the latest social media, they will ask what can Wiltshire Council Housing do better?
The groups first session was held at Five Rivers Leisure Centre in Salisbury in February with free refreshments. Going forward the group will meet once every six weeks with the next meeting on 11 April. Any interested residents can join us in person or online via MS Teams.
For more information on how to take part, contact us via email - Tenantparticipation@wiltshire.gov.uk (opens new window) or call - 0300 456 0117 selecting option 5.
Your next Neighbourhood Review - April 2024
When | Where |
Friday 26 April 2024, starting at 10am. | Randalls Croft Road, Wilton. The inspection will cover all of the Randalls Croft Road area including the car parks and garages. |
You said, we did - new benches at Westfields
You said
Residents at Westfields asked for new benches to be installed around the scheme to provide somewhere to sit out in good weather and for residents who might need somewhere to rest while walking between the scheme and the bus stop.
We did
Housing management was able to provide two benches sited where residents felt they were most appropriate. The benches are made of recycled plastic and are weatherproof and hard-wearing so will provide for the residents for years to come.
Better Lives
Better Lives cookery course gets off to a great start
The Resident Engagement team was approached by families on Bemerton Heath to host a family cookery course. This became possible by working together with community partners Phunky Foods and St Michael's Community Centre.
Community Centre Manager Kate was only too happy to support the group by providing the perfect venue at the centre, which includes a state-of-the-art commercial kitchen and café space. With Phunky Foods delivering the sessions, the group got off to a great start with pizza making.
We are always eager to help support our tenant families and are happy to look out for community offers through partnership working. We're encouraging young people to learn valuable life skills by getting them interested in cooking healthy cost effective meals.
Residents spring cleaning helps out in Zeals and Nunton
Resident Engagement officer Jasmine helped residents in Westfields, Zeals and at The Orchard, Nunton, with a spring clear out of books and other items. Residents wanted them to go to a good cause.
Jasmine supported tenants by delivering them to Gilbert, local community champion for Tesco Extra as they are raising money for local community projects while other items went to a local charity within the Zeals community.
For more information about how we can support you in holding events and setting up new groups and activities in your area, including cookery courses, please contact the team at Tenantparticipation@wiltshire.gov.uk (opens new window).
Safety in the home - water
Do you know where you water stop tap is located? The internal stop tap is located where the mains water enters your property and is used to cut the supply off in an emergency or so that maintenance can be carried out. If you have a burst pipe or broken fitting, turning off the stop tap is the first thing you should do.
You would have been shown the location of the stop tap when you moved into the property. It is usually located in the kitchen under the sink but can be located by the front door or in a hallway cupboard. If you cannot find the tap, contact Housing Management who will be able to advise.
Your external stop tap is located outside and is useful as a back-up and also for stopping water flow if your internal stop tap needs repair. These will usually be located close to the property or next to your water meter if you have one. Sometimes the covers can become buried and difficult to find. If you cannot find yours, please contact your water supplier.
Your property may also be fitted with a sure stop system. These are installed in some of our properties and will stop the mains water flow at the press of a switch. These will usually be installed above a kitchen counter top and will also cut off the flow of mains water in an emergency.
If you are going away on holiday, especially in the winter months, you should turn your mains water off while you are away. If there was to be a leak this will help greatly reduce the damage to your property and belongings.
At least once every six months, you should turn your internal stop tap off and on to help prevent it seizing up. If it doesn't turn, contact Housing Repairs to have it serviced.