Chippenham Avon Project Masterplan Consultation document
2 Context
The River Avon and its surroundings are one of Chippenham's greatest amenities, yet they are not fully utilised. There is a need to improve access to the river in order to unlock its full potential. Chippenham Avon Project forms one of the central pillars of the wider strategy for the regeneration of Chippenham's town centre as set out within the Chippenham Site Allocation Plan, the draft Neighbourhood Plan and now prioritised for delivery in the new One Plan, Town Centre Masterplan.
Chippenham Avon Project will create an improved green infrastructure link through the central area of Chippenham, establishing links to the river from existing parks/green space to the north east at Monkton Park south towards Pewsham. The Environment Agency has identified there is a need to replace the existing radial sluice gate within Chippenham, which is nearing the end of its life. The risk of failing to operate is increasing, which could result in a much increased flood risk to Chippenham town centre.
Chippenham Avon Project supports the aims of the Wiltshire Core Strategy, Chippenham Sites Allocation Plan and draft Neighbourhood Plan and feeds into the vision for enhancing the River Avon, as a defining and connecting feature in the revitalisation of Chippenham town centre whilst protecting and enhancing the function of the Chippenham Avon Project.
The corridor should also connect the north and south of the town by cycling and walking routes making the town more resilient to the climate emergency and supporting a modal shift away from the private car for local journeys.
This masterplan is one of the priority projects identified in the One Plan. The Chippenham Town Centre Partnership Board has produced the One Plan for Chippenham, which begins the process of bringing together existing plans and proposals into a single plan specifically focused on making things happen. The One Plan draws on the Town Council's Neighbourhood Plan as well as work undertaken by the Town Team and other community stakeholders. It takes on board the aspirations of landowners and the town centre business community.
The One Plan has purposely focused on several key projects that would boost the economy and support the vibrancy and sustainability of the town centre. Many of these schemes are focused on features that make Chippenham such a wonderful place to live, work and play.
These include beautiful natural settings such as the river, Chippenham's historic heritage and making more of our town centre spaces and regeneration opportunities.
A significant proportion of the masterplan area falls within the Chippenham Conservation Area which is important for their heritage value. This is an important consideration which will need to be addressed in any proposals for the area.