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Neighbourhood Review - The Winterbournes 2024

The review was carried out on the 24 March 2024.

The lead officer for the review was Rob Hesketh from the Resident Engagement Team.

Condition of the streets covered by the review
Road nameCondition of the road surface, pavements and hard standingsCondition of the street scene (grounds maintenance, litter, graffiti etc)Overall look of the street including all properties and gardensOfficer comments
Thorneydown RoadAverageAverageAverageDuring the inspection the majority of Wiltshire Council houses were in the process of having roof replacements.
SummerlugAverageGoodAverageNo comments.
Elliot GreenVery PoorGoodGoodA new tarmac layer had recently been applied to the street to resurface it. This appeared to have been done very poorly and was lifting. Reported to the Highways team.
HorsebarrowGoodGoodGoodNo comments.
Issues identified during Neighbourhood Review
Issues typeIssue descriptionActions taken
TenancySummerlug - ivy growing over side of property.The Neighbourhood Officer has contacted resident to remove the ivy.
TenancyHorse Barrow - trailer and garden waste left outside block for some time.The Neighbourhood Officer has contacted residents to arrange removal of rubbish and the trailer has been moved to the carpark.
TenancyHorse Barrow - furniture, car parts and rubbish in communal hallways.The Neighbourhood Officer has contacted residents regarding keeping the communal areas clean and to arrange removal of items.
TenancyHorse Barrow - rear garden. Large pile of old furniture and rubbish to be removed.The Neighbourhood Officer has contacted residents regarding keeping the communal areas clean and to arrange removal of items.
TenancyHorse Barrow - car park. Large truck in car park is SORN and appears abandoned.The Neighbourhood Officer reported the vehicle as abandoned and arranged removal.
TenancyHorse Barrow - communal fire doors being wedged open.The Neighbourhood Officer has contacted residents regarding communal area fire safety.
TenancyElliott Green - tenant is running electric cable across front garden, pavement and road to charge vehicle.The Neighbourhood Officer has contacted resident regarding electrical safety and this has been resolved.
RepairsSummerlug - chimney on bungalow is tilting at an angle and brickwork in poor condition.Reported to the Repairs Team and this work was completed on works order 783430.
RepairsSummerlug Garage Site - Wiltshire Council standpipe in garages is leaking heavily. Wooden boxing is rotten and has fallen away.New boxed cover for Standpipe will be provided following surveyors assessment.
RepairsSummerlug - chimney on property in poor condition.Reported to the Repairs Team and this work was completed on works order 782370.
RepairsBlock 2 - 8 Horse Barrow - visible plant growth in rear gutter white UPVC guttering.Reported to the Repairs Team and this work was completed on works order 782574.
RepairsBlock 10-16 Horse Barrow - front and rear white UPVC guttering has visible vegetation growth.Reported to the Repairs Team and this work was completed on works order 782570.
Repairs18-24 Horse Barrow - front communal Bamford door - cat flap broken.Reported to the Repairs Team and this work was completed on works order 782243.
RepairsThorneydown Road - front gutter of property has visible vegetation growth.Reported to the Repairs Team and this work was completed on works order 782575
RepairsElliott Green - wooden fence to side of property in poor condition. Covered in ivy and held up by timber supports.Reported to the Repairs Team and this work was completed on works order 782483.
Grounds MaintenanceCar park between 2-8 Horse Barrow and 10-16 Horse Barrow - weeds need removing from car park gravel surface. Brambles and encroaching plants to be cut back and area cleared.Repairs request 445899 raised to the Grounds Maintenance team.
Grounds MaintenanceGrass area next to blocks 18-24 Horse Barrow and 26-32 Horse Barrow. Timber and other rubbish strewn across grass. Fence from private house has fallen down. Clear area of debris and rubbish.Reported to the Repairs Team and this work was completed on works orders 782485 and 782486.
Grounds Maintenance34-40 Horse Barrow. Trees on green outside block next to path and to the side of bungalow 15. Trees to be assessed and necessary works undertaken.Trees assessed by Grounds Maintenance Team and under observation for potential future works as required.
HighwaysThorneydown Road - section of Road surface broken up and creating a sharp edged pothole.Reported to the Highways team via MyWilts App request 00161551. Highways team have assigned an engineer to carry out remedial works as required.
HighwaysElliott Green - damage to pavement creating trip hazard.Reported to the Highways team via the MyWilts App request 00161546. Highways team advised this item does not meet requirement for intervention.
HighwaysElliott Green - broken paving slabs causing a trip hazard.Reported to the Highways team via the MyWilts app request 00161547. Highways team advised this item does not meet requirement for intervention.
HighwaysElliott Green - new tarmac skim coating of very low quality. Already peeling up from road in places.Reported to the Highways team via the MyWilts app request 00161544. Highways team have assigned an engineer to carry out remedial works as required.

Residents reviews and comments

No survey returns from residents regarding the Neighbourhood for this review.

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