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Anti-Social Behaviour Policy & Procedure

2. Scope of policy

2.1 This policy sets out how the Council manage ASB through prevention, intervention, and enforcement.


2.2 The Council will aim to prevent ASB arising in the first place by using initiatives such as Neighbourhood Reviews and will highlight conditions that relate to ASB within the tenancy agreement to new tenants during the sign-up process, to minimise the occurrence of ASB. If an ASB case should arise the Council will use a variety of tools to escalate and manage the case and minimise impact to residents, tenants and neighbourhoods.

Tools such as starter tenancies, good neighbour agreements and acceptable behaviour contracts will be used where appropriate, ensuring all tenants know and understand what is and what is not acceptable behaviour.


2.3 The Council will aim to intervene and offer support and advice if preventative measures have been unsuccessful. This option gives residents another chance, before enforcement measures are considered. This will be achieved through implementation of the following measures:

  • Use of informal interventions, such as, where appropriate, encouraging the reporting person to speak directly to the person who is causing ASB, offering mediation and restorative justice, providing advice and issuing verbal or written warnings.
  • Providing a range of reporting methods including in person, telephone, email, paper log sheets, through iHousing and by using 'The ASB App.'
  • Use of and regular review of the Risk Assessment Matrix (RAM) to identify support requirements for the reporting person, witnesses or others impacted by ASB. This will assist in identifying vulnerabilities, additional support needs or safeguarding concerns in order to make appropriate referrals to specialist agencies.
  • Agreement of an action plan including frequency and method of contact where action is required. When a reporting person or witness is in immediate danger the Council will support with offers of temporary accommodation and in permanent moves after consultation with the relevant Managers and appropriate partner agencies.

The Council will work in partnership with a variety of organisations including, but not limited to:

  • Fire and Rescue Services
  • Police
  • NHS Medical and Mental Health Teams
  • Probation Services
  • Social Services
  • Third or Voluntary Sector service providers
  • Trading Standards


2.4 Where necessary enforcement will be used when other prevention and intervention methods have been unsuccessful. Staff will be trained to effectively identify and manage ASB appropriately. All available and appropriate legal powers will be used in a reasonable and proportionate manner to effectively deal with ASB and tenancy breach.

2.5 The scope of the policy includes all properties operated within the Housing Revenue Account (HRA), and all non-HRA domestic residential property held by the General Fund, leased or licensed by the Council to a tenant or provider.

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