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Anti-Social Behaviour Policy & Procedure

6. Data Management and Integrity

6.1 The fundamental principle of data quality and recording is that data should be right first time which means that the responsibility is held at the point at which it is collected and recorded, whether the person recording the information is clinical, technical or clerical.

6.2 The Tenancy Services Manager and the Senior ASB Officer will be the nominated points of contact within the Council for exchange of information. They will ensure the smooth dissemination of all relevant information to staff as appropriate and maintain a record of all information which is exchanged with our partners, including:

  • Full name of subject
  • Address of Subject
  • Date of birth of subject
  • Information requested and provided

6.3 Under the terms of any Information Sharing Agreement which is in place, the Council will exchange information with agencies it works in partnership with. These agencies will include, but not be limited to those listed at 2.3 of this policy. Such sharing of information will usually be done with the consent of reporting person and witnesses, but where necessary can be done without such consent as laid out in Sections 17 and 115 of the Crime and Disorder Act (1998), which provides a power for public bodies to exchange information when they would not normally be permitted to do so, for the purposes of public safety, prevention and detection of crime and disorder. The Council recognise that Section 115 of the Act gives "power", but not an automatic right, to disclose information.

6.4 The Council are committed to complying with GDPR and Data Protection legislation when handling data.

6.5 Surveillance - As part of our response to dealing with ASB, the Council reserves the right to carry out both covert and overt surveillance in any area owned or managed by us. Any surveillance will be proportionate and justified in relation to the type of ASB being investigated. Surveillance may be carried out using any one of the methods detailed in 8.3 of this policy.  Whilst the Council are not bound by the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (2000), the Council recognise the safeguards provided by the Act and will implement similar proceedings for authorisation, implementation, and review of surveillance.

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