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Anti-Social Behaviour Policy & Procedure

10. Communications and Tenant Involvement

10.1 The Council consider good communication essential in the effective delivery of effective ASB management therefore a resident engagement strategy and communication programme will be established to support residents in their understanding of ASB.

10.2 It is important that the tenant, reporting person and any witnesses are aware of the importance of working with our staff to resolve issues of ASB. They are expected to cooperate with us in our investigation.

10.3 The tenant, reporting person and witnesses must respond to communication.

10.4 The Council will share information clearly and transparently and will ensure that information is available to residents via regular publications, communications and use of social media about the importance of ASB management.

10.5 The tenant, reporting person and witnesses must engage with suggested methods of resolution such as mediation and restorative justice.

10.6 For those whose first language is not English the Council will, where necessary, provide the services of an interpreter.

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