Anti-Social Behaviour Policy & Procedure
11. Policy delivery - approach and procedures
11.1 The Council will assist residents and local communities who are suffering from ASB by responding quickly and effectively. It is recognised that a swift response to reports can prevent a situation from escalating.
11.2 The Council will, at all times, effectively manage resident reports, ensuring that the Council does not make promises that cannot be kept. All reports will be considered genuine until there is evidence to the contrary
11.3 The Council do not normally move the reporting person, witnesses or perpetrators as a means of dealing with the issues. The only exception to this is when a reporting person or witness is in immediate danger. The decision to move a reporting person, witness or perpetrator will only be made after consultation with the relevant Managers and appropriate partner agencies.
11.4 Any action taken will be reasonable and proportionate to the behaviour which is taking place.
11.5 The Council will deal robustly with false and malicious reports and consider such action as a form of harassment and therefore ASB. They will be dealt with in accordance with the terms of this policy.
11.6 The Council aim to minimise the burden on the reporting person and witnesses to collect evidence. For example, requesting use of tools such as Diary Sheets for the minimum time necessary.
11.7 The Council will create a climate where residents feel comfortable in reporting ASB and are confident that appropriate action will be taken to deal with their concerns.
11.8 Any feedback which is considered to be a complaint will be dealt with in accordance with our Council Complaints Procedure.