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Neighbourhood Review - Wilton 2024

The review was carried out on the 26 April 2024.

The lead officer for the review was Rob Hesketh from the Resident Engagement Team.

Condition of the streets covered by the review
Road nameCondition of the road surface, pavements and hard standingsCondition of the street scene (grounds maintenance, litter, graffiti etc)Overall look of the street including all properties and gardensOfficer comments
Randalls Croft RoadGoodGoodGoodOverall well presented. Some weeds and plants growing in gutters, especially in the car parks.
Issues identified during Neighbourhood Review
Issues typeIssue descriptionActions taken
TenancyRandalls Croft Road - fly tipping in stairwell. Chairs, cabinet and wooden pallets.The Neighbourhood Officer to contact tenants and items have been removed.
TenancyRandalls Croft Road - CCTV cameras on wall and in windows covering communal access areas.The Neighbourhood Officer has contact tenants regarding CCTV in communal areas.
TenancyRandalls Croft Road - untidy front garden.The Neighbourhood Officer has contact tenants with advice and to arrange removal of rubbish.
RepairsRandalls Croft Road block 92-108- metal strip on second floor landing balcony edge. Strip is coming off at one end.Reported to the Repairs Team and this work was completed.
RepairsRandalls Croft Road - large crack in render on side of property from window to ground.

Following assessment, this work will be carried out as planned maintenance under the PPM Programme 2024/25.

RepairsRandalls Croft Road car park for block 92-134 - Paving along front of properties next to car parks is uneven, broken and slabs are loose. Residents have reported trips and falls.Reported to the Repairs Team and this work was completed on works order 792095.
RepairsRandalls Croft Road - block 143-145 - graffiti on wall where path goes under through the block. Non-offensive.Reported to the Repairs Team and this work was completed on works order 789300.
RepairsRandalls Croft Road - block 111-117 - original metal fencing, gate and posts at knee height. Trip hazard. Review and remove or replace as required.Following review, outdated fences and other trip hazards will be removed from the washing line areas as part of planned maintenance works on the PPM contract for 2024/25.
RepairsRandalls Croft Road - pointing on brickwork around roofline in poor condition.Reported to the Repairs Team and this work was completed on works order 792768.
RepairsRandalls Croft Road - extractor fan ducting sticking out of wall. Vent cover not flush with wall.Reported to the Repairs Team and this work was completed on works order 789471
RepairsRandalls Croft Road - Block 95-99 - rusted metal plate above boiler flue.Reported to the Repairs Team and this work was completed on works order 789474.
RepairsRandalls Croft Road - large number of blocked gutters on Wiltshire Council houses and flats. Repairs Surveyor will raise a bulk order to have all Wiltshire Council properties guttering checked and cleared of vegetation.There is a programme of planned preventative maintenance (PPM) for the street which will cover the cleaning of all gutters and downpipes. The Repairs Surveyor will conduct an immediate check on the worst affected gutters and arrange spot cleans in the interim as required.
RepairsRandalls Croft Road - large number of flats and terraced houses have expansion joints in the brickwork where the seal needs replacing. The Repairs Surveyor will review all areas in poor condition and raise a bulk order to have them replaced.There is a programme of planned preventative maintenance (PPM) which will pick up the replacement of expansion joints along the whole street as required. The Repairs Surveyor will assess properties that have reported issues such as water ingress and damp and mould and carry out responsive works required before the programme starts.
Grounds MaintenanceLarge tree by washing line area behind 128-134 Randalls Croft Road. Tree roots are lifting patio in gardens. Tree is overgrowing onto steps and path. Leaf fall affecting washing line area.Patio slabs reported to the Repairs Team and this work was completed on works order 792107. Trees have been assessed by Wiltshire Council tree officer and advice given. Encroachment onto path has been cut back.
Grounds MaintenanceWashing line areas across Randalls Croft Road are in poor condition with overgrown weeds and Brambles, moss and rubbish covering them. These need clearing so that residents can use them AFollowing review, outdated fences and other trip hazards will be removed from the washing line areas and vegetation and detritus removed as part of planned maintenance works on the PPM contract for 2024/25.
Grounds MaintenanceHousing Footpath behind 2-12 Randalls Croft Road - covered in moss and weedsReported to the Grounds Maintenance Team and this work was completed on works order 789555.
Grounds MaintenanceFootpaths between blocks 105-143 Randalls Croft Road - clear weeds from along edges and paving slabs.Reported to the Grounds Maintenance Team and this work was completed on works order 789554
Grounds MaintenanceHousing footpath behind 147-159 Randalls Croft Road - clear weeds, moss and overgrowth.Reported to the Grounds Maintenance Team and this work was completed on works order 789554.
Grounds MaintenanceCar park behind 113 Randalls Croft Road - clear rear access path to properties of weeds.Reported to the Grounds Maintenance Team and this work was completed on works order 789499.
HighwaysLamp post at garage site next to 12 Randalls Croft Road is damaged. Metal cover has come off base of pillar. Lamp post number is 4.Reported to the Highways team via the MyWilts App request 00169624. This work has been completed.
HighwaysLarge bus camper van, Registration BU53 ONF parked by block 92-104. Showing as SORN and in poor condition. Suspect abandoned.Reported to the Highways team via the MyWilts app request 00169622. The vehicle has now been removed.
MyWiltsWiltshire Council children's play area on Randalls Croft Road in poor aesthetic condition.Reported via the MyWilts app request 00169632. The Response from the team as as follows. "Monies have been allocated to replace/refurbish rural play areas to support the transfer of these assets to the respective Parish Councils. Currently there are 24 rural play areas, and we will be writing to all parishes individually to ask the Parish whether they wish to be considered as part of this project. Thank you for your patience with this matter. Our comms will be in touch with the parish very soon to discuss options."
Residents reviews and comments
AddressHow do you feel about the overall cleanliness and maintenance of your street or block?How do you feel about the security and safety within your neighbourhood, particularly near your home?Comments
Randalls Croft RoadPoorNeutralThe area has become untidy over the years from we first moved into it 36 years ago. Gardens are not kept tidy, and a particular person hasn't done anything to their garden since they moved in gets warnings but nothing happens.
Randalls Croft RoadAverageNeutralGrass cutting always miss my front grass when they do my neighbours. Tesco delivery van parking on the grass leaving deep tyres marks
Randalls Croft RoadPoorNeutralUntidy drying area, steps not clear
Randalls Croft RoadGoodSatisfiedN/A

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