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Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Policy

Strategy Statement

Wiltshire Council has a zero-toleranceapproach to fraud, bribery and corruption. Controls are in place to ensure compliance with policies, and the council is committed to taking all necessary steps to prevent fraud, bribery and corruption, and will seek the appropriate disciplinary and / or legal action is taken against those found to have committed fraud and, where possible, recover losses.

All staff have a responsibility to assist in preventing fraud, bribery and corruption and expected staff behaviours are contained within the Code of Conduct. This policy is supported and endorsed by the Corporate Leadership Team and Cabinet.

This strategy defines the Council's approach to managing the risk of fraud, bribery and corruption ensuring best practice is embedded across all services, projects and partnerships. Any fraudulent act or act of bribery or corruption committed against the council effectively constitutes theft of taxpayers' money. It is unlawful and deprives the council of resources which should be available to provide public services.

The threat from fraud, bribery and corruption is both internal and external. The council's expectation is that councillors and employees at all levels will lead by example to ensure the highest standards of probity and accountability are established and strictly adhered to, and that personal conduct is above reproach at all times.

The strategy is based upon comprehensive ongoing risk assessments in all areas of council activity, to reduce losses from fraud and corruption to an absolute minimum, through:

  • Reinforcing an organisational culture of zero tolerance to fraud, bribery and corruption
  • Encouraging prevention
  • Pro-actively detecting fraud, bribery and corruption
  • The instigation of legal, disciplinary and recovery action against any individual found to have acted fraudulently or corruptly in their relationship and dealings with the council

This holistic approach to tackling fraud, bribery and corruption is an integral part of existing governance arrangements, policies and procedures. Providing a raft of measures designed collectively to deter would be offenders.

As a living document it is envisaged that this strategy will continually evolve as the council gains a better understanding of the potential threat from fraud, bribery and corruption, as new threats arise, and as new and existing partnerships develop. It has been reviewed and updated in 2024 to reflect changes required to ensure all aspects of fraud, bribery and corruption risk are captured.

The Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Strategy underpins these principles in seeking to ensure sound governance. In adopting this approach and culture the strategy supports the outcomes in enabling greater engagement with the community and partners, whilst protecting the public purse. As such this strategy is a key support for the delivery of the council's business plan 2022 - 2032.

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