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Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Policy


7.1 The array of preventative systems, particularly internal controls systems with the council, help to provide indicators of, and help to deter, any fraudulent activity. Where fraudulent activity is suspected, this may be investigated by Internal Audit. It is not Internal Audit's primary responsibility to detect fraud; the role of Internal Audit is to check the adequacy of the controls within systems. However, the assessment of the risk of fraud is routinely taken into account in planning all internal audits. High risk areas will be considered for annual audit reviews.

7.2 It is the responsibility of the Corporate Leadership Team and their managers to prevent and detect fraud, bribery and corruption. However, it is often the alertness of staff, Councillors and the public to the possibility of fraud, bribery and corruption, that enables detection to occur and appropriate action to take place when there is evidence that fraud, bribery or corruption may have been committed or is in progress.

7.3 Allegations can be a key factor in the detection of fraud and as such the Council treats all suspicions and concerns and complaints seriously and is committed to investigate all such matters.

7.4 The Council's Code of Practice on Whistleblowing allows employees and Councillors to raise any concerns they may have in confidence and anonymously should they so wish.

7.5 The Council takes part in the Government's National Fraud Initiative (NFI) which brings together data from NHS bodies, local authorities, government departments and other agencies to detect a wide range of frauds against the public sector. This data matching exercise which is run every two years. Potential frauds uncovered through NFI will be investigated in accordance with this Policy. Along with this the council subscribes to CiFAS, giving access to their national fraud database and the ability to undertake proactive checks.

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