Anti-Money Laundering Policy
1.1 The purpose of this policy is to set out clearly:
- The Council's commitment and approach to tackling money laundering.
- The responsibilities of Councillors and employees to report any suspicions they have.
- The importance of the public in tackling money laundering.
1.2 This policy applies to:
- Councillors
- Employees
- Agency staff
- Contractors
- Consultants
- Suppliers
- Service users
- Employees and committee members of organisations funded by Wiltshire Council
- Employees and principals of partner organisations
- Volunteers working for Wiltshire Council
- Members of the public and businesses in their interactions with Wiltshire Council
1.3 In addition to the above Wiltshire Council expects members of the public and businesses to be honest in their dealings with the Council.
1.4 Other relevant policies, procedures and controls include:
- Council Constitution including Financial Regulations
- Standards Committee and Audit & Governance Committee
- Codes of Conduct for Councillors and for Employees
- Registers of Interest
- Procurement Rules and Guidance
- Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Policy
- Whistle Blowing Policy
- HR policies and procedures for managing performance including disciplinary matters
- HR policies and procedures for managing recruitment
- I.T. Security Policy
- Benefit Fraud Sanction Policy
- Benefit Fraud Strategy
- Internal and External audit reviews
1.5 A priority aim is to fully integrate this policy's approach into existing policies, procedures and controls' ensuring it is a key part of the council's governance and risk management framework. The arrangements set out in this policy will be reviewed biennially and following any money laundering allegation, to ensure the Council remains resilient to the threat of money laundering.