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Neighbourhood Review - Amesbury 2024

The review was carried out on the 26 July 2024.

The lead officer for the review was Rob Hesketh from the Resident Engagement Team.

Condition of the streets covered by the review
Road nameCondition of the road surface, pavements and hard standingsCondition of the street scene (grounds maintenance, litter, graffiti etc)Overall look of the street including all properties and gardensOfficer comments
Devereux RoadAveragePoorPoorRoad and pavements in poor condition with a number of small potholes, blocked drains. A lot of properties with hedges which are overgrown and obstructing the pavement.
Finnis RoadAverageAverageAverageNone.
John Gay RoadPoorGoodAverageRoad surface has a number of small potholes and sections of broken tarmac.
Solstice RiseAverageGoodAverageRoad surface in poor condition, multiple potholes and broken sections of tarmac.
Issues identified during Neighbourhood Review
Issues typeIssue descriptionActions taken
TenancyDevereux Road - hedge row along front of properties is growing out and obstructing the pavement. This hedge is shown as being maintained by street scene grounds maintenance and is being cut by tenants, but is obstructing the pavement.Following investigation by the Neighbourhood Officer, this has been forwarded to the Street scene Team to trim the hedge when they are carrying out their maintenance in the area.
TenancyDevereux Road - Rubbish and large items piled in gardens and to side of property.Forwarded to Neighbourhood Officer to contact tenants to arrange clearance.
TenancyDevereux Road - hedges are obstructing pavements around property. Garden is overgrown.Forwarded to Neighbourhood Officer to contact tenants to arrange garden tidy up.
TenancyDevereux Road - front garden overgrown and untidy. Rubbish in garden.Forwarded to Neighbourhood Officer to contact tenants to arrange garden tidy up.
TenancyDevereux Road - front garden has furniture and large items stacked in it.Forwarded to Neighbourhood Officer to contact tenants to arrange clearance.
TenancyDevereux Road - front garden is untidy. Old trailer, car batteries as well as other items of furniture in garden.Forwarded to Neighbourhood Officer to contact tenants to arrange clearance.
TenancyDevereux Road - SORN Vehicle in front garden parked on grass. Grey Renault registration SW11 FDL.Forwarded to Neighbourhood Officer to contact tenants to arrange removal.
TenancyJohn Gay Road - hedges are obstructing the pavement around the property.Forwarded to Neighbourhood Officer to contact tenants to arrange garden tidy up.
TenancyFinnis Road - front garden has large timber sections, car. Batteries and other rubbish itemsForwarded to Neighbourhood Officer to contact tenants to arrange removal.
TenancyFinnis Road - trees in front garden and to side of property are overgrown. They are touching the neighbouring roof and damaging the fenceForwarded to Neighbourhood Officer to contact tenants to arrange garden tidy up.
TenancySolstice Rise - hedges at property are obstructing pavement.Forwarded to Neighbourhood Officer to contact tenants to arrange garden tidy up.
TenancySolstice Rise - hedges at property are obstructing pavement.Forwarded to Neighbourhood Officer to contact tenants to arrange garden tidy up.
TenancySolstice Rise - furniture and items in front garden.Forwarded to Neighbourhood Officer to contact tenants to arrange removal.
TenancySolstice Rise - furniture and items in front garden.Forwarded to Neighbourhood Officer to contact tenants to arrange removal.
TenancySolstice Rise - hedges at property are obstructing pavement at side of property.Forwarded to Neighbourhood Officer who has contacted tenant and this has now been cut back. 
TenancySolstice Rise - white Ford van on drive, registration EK60 RZT. Vehicle is SORN.Forwarded to Neighbourhood Officer who has contacted the owners and this has now been removed.
RepairsWhite plastic meter box door is broken off and missing.Reported to the Repairs Team and this work was completed on works order 796572.
RepairsDevereux Road - side door has broken panels. Wood appears to be rotten.

Following assessment this door will be replaced on our external door planned maintenance programme. 

RepairsFinnis Road - tenants report bank next to property is slipping, earth is falling onto path. Partially retained by remains of old concrete coal bunker, damaged concrete and exposed metalwork. Surveyor to investigate and determine appropriate action.Reported to the Repairs Team and raised on works order 799634.
RepairsSolstice Rise - Black plastic front gutter of House has visible vegetation growth.Reported to the Repairs Team and this work was completed on works order 796621.
RepairsSolstice Rise - Black plastic front gutter of House has visible vegetation growth.Reported to the Repairs Team and this work was completed on works order 796623.
RepairsSolstice Rise - end ridge tile on roof is missing.Reported to the Repairs Team and this work was completed on works order 796622.
GroundsSolstice Rise garage forecourts - self seeded tree growing in side of retaining wall, brambles and weeds growing in blocked gully drains and grass growing between concrete slabs. Clear all weeds, grass and plants from concrete forecourt and remove detritus.This area has been cleared by the Grounds Maintenance Team. 
HighwaysRoad gully drain is blocked outside 6 Devereux Road.Reported to the Highways team via the website on My Wilts ref 181106. Highways Team advised "Thank you for your report. As this gully is not causing flooding to a high-speed road or causing damage to property it is not considered a high priority at this time. Therefore, this app has been closed."
HighwaysRoad gully drain is blocked outside 25 Devereux Road.Reported to the Highways team via the website on My Wilts ref 181108. Highways Team advised "Thank you for your report. As this gully is not causing flooding to a high-speed road or causing damage to property it is not considered a high priority at this time. Therefore, this app has been closed."
HighwaysLarge kerb stones are broken and risen up outside 21 Devereux Road. Trip hazard.Reported to the Highways team via the website on My Wilts ref 181109. Highways Team advised repair works have been completed.
HighwaysSolstice Rise garage site - drains in front of garage doors are blocked with mud and detritus. Pipe taking water out of the gully in the middle appears blocked. Garages keep flooding.Reported to the Highways team via the website on My Wilts ref 004516. Highways Team advised this is now cleared. 
HighwaysCommunal green area next to footpath from Solstice Rise to Boscome Road is overgrown and large weeds and plants are encroaching.Reported to the Highways team via the website on My Wilts ref 181127. Highways Team advised that this is now cleared. 
HighwaysCommunal green area next to footpath from Solstice Rise to Devereux Road is overgrown and large weeds and plants are encroaching.Reported to the Highways team via the website on My Wilts ref 181129. Highways Team advised this is now cleared. 

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