Business rates
Pay your business rates, apply for business rate relief
Re-valuation - Supporting small business rate relief
The scheme also provides support for those previously eligible for the 2022/23 SSB scheme, and who are facing large increases in 2023/24 but, in those cases, for one more year only.
Change in business circumstances
Let us know if you have moved or your circumstances have changed.
Charity relief
Charity and registered community amateur sports club relief
Hardship relief
The council may reduce business rates where the rate payer would otherwise sustain hardship, and where it would be in the interests of the community to do so.
Non-domestic rates
Pay for, or manage your business rates / Non-Domestic Rates (NDR)
Valuations and valuation appeals
All non-domestic properties have a rateable value, other than those deemed exempt, for business rates. The value is normally set by the Valuation Office Agency, of the Inland Revenue.