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Charity relief

Charity and registered community amateur sports club relief

Charities are entitled to relief from rates on any non-domestic property which is wholly or mainly used for charitable purposes.

Relief is given at 80% of the full bill, however local councils have discretion to give further relief on the remaining bill. Authorities also have the discretion to give relief on all or part of any rate bill for property occupied by certain non-profit making bodies.

Non profit making sports clubs that are registered under the Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) scheme can claim 80% mandatory relief on their rates. Please visit the CASC (opens new window) website for registration and information details.

To apply for this business rate reduction simply download the charity relief form that can be found in the downloads section or contact your local office to request a paper copy.

Read our Non-domestic rate discretionary relief policy which can be found in the link section.


 Business rates charity relief form (OpenDocument text format, 94 KB)(opens new window)

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