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Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Rate Relief

In the Autumn Statement, on 17 November 2022, the Chancellor announced the introduction of a new business rates relief scheme for retail, hospitality, and leisure properties worth around £2.1 billion in 2023/24. This scheme is intended to support the businesses that keep our high streets and town centres alive - to help them evolve and adapt to changing consumer demands.

The 2023/24 and 2024/25 Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Business Rates Relief scheme will provide eligible, occupied, retail, hospitality and leisure properties with a 75% relief, up to a cash cap limit of £110,000 per business.

Businesses should contact the business rates team if they wish to opt out of this support.

I think I qualify, but the relief is not shown on my bill

If you think you qualify, but are not getting the relief, complete and return the application form (in the download area of this page), confirming your entitlement.

Read the qualification criteria notes, below, carefully before deciding whether you qualify, and whether you can apply. You may need to take advice from your accountants if you are unsure about the subsidy cap.

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