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Rural relief

Certain types of properties in a rural settlement with a population below 3,000 may be entitled to relief.

The property must be occupied, have a rateable value of less than £8,500 and be:

  • The only general store
  • The only post office
  • A food shop

Or the property must be occupied, have a rateable value of less than £12,500, and be:

  • The only public house
  • The only petrol station

An eligible ratepayer is entitled to 100% rate relief. 

In addition, the council can give relief on certain other occupied properties in a rural settlement where the rateable value is less than £16,500. The council must be satisfied that the property is used for a purpose which benefits the local community.

To apply for rural rate relief please download and complete the application form.

Read our non-domestic rate discretionary relief policy for more information.

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