Dealing with any concerns
Rest assured that the vast majority of childcare providers are totally reliable and will give you no cause for concern.
If you should have any concerns about the childcare setting your child is attending, please raise them promptly with the person in charge.
All childminders, pre-schools and nurseries, and out-of-school settings are required to have a complaints procedure as part of their registration; it is worth making sure you have a copy of this, preferably before you need it.
The procedure is found within their information for parents and is displayed on their parents' notice board.
Please try not to address your concerns in front of your child, other parents or children. You may wish to write down your concerns for the provider or at least have notes with you when you talk it through.
If your concern is about fees or your contract then please read through the contact or fee sheet carefully before you start.
If you cannot reach a satisfactory agreement about fees, contracts or education or welfare issues, you could:
- Contact us
- Consider looking for alternative childcare.
If you have serious concerns about the standards of care provided:
- Ring the Ofsted complaints line on 0300 123 1231 or 0300 123 4666
- Ofsted will also look investigate concerns on your behalf
If you are concerned about harm or possible harm to a child, you should phone the local authority's Referral and Assessment team on 01380 826200 or the police immediately.
Wiltshire's Local Safeguarding Children Board and the safeguarding teams must look into concerns about protecting children.