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Childcare sufficiency assessment

The Childcare Act 2006 and the statutory guidance Early Education and Childcare Guidance for local authorities (opens new window) requires local authorities to assess the sufficiency of childcare in their local authority area at least every three years.

The report assesses the availability and attributes of childcare in Wiltshire and makes judgments about whether there is sufficient childcare available which will enable parents to work or train leading to work. It will make judgments and recommendations about areas that need to be developed including places for two, three and four year old children.

Alongside this full report, 18 community profiles have been developed which focus on childcare development needs in local areas. The latest community profiles are dated Spring 2023. A copy of these can be found below.

We hope that this assessment will be useful to professionals working with families as well as parents and carers, childcare providers and potential childcare providers.

If you have any comments on the sufficiency of childcare please contact us.


Childcare Sufficiency Assessment Report 2024 (OpenDocument text format, 1 MB)(opens new window)

Community Profiles 2024 (OpenDocument text format, 20 MB)(opens new window)

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