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Wiltshire Council has made a promise to those living in care.
Living in care
We, the undersigned Corporate Parents commit to the following promise for the children and young people in our care:
To involve you in decisions about a safe/positive home where you can stay until you are ready to move on from our care.
To keep you together with your brothers and sisters whenever we can, and to help you stay in close contact with your family if that's what is right for you and is safe to do so.
To listen to your views, act on them when we can and be honest when we cannot.
To support you to understand your journey into and through care, understand your history and why decisions have been made. Support you to understand your identity, heritage and have a record of your journey via your life story, photos and letters.
That your social worker will work hard for you to solve problems.
To tell you what your rights are and what you are entitled to.
That you will be involved in decisions taken during your review.
To involve you in decisions about school and to help you get to school so that your education can continue.
To arrange transport for you that is reliable and gets you to school, and important meetings, on time.
To invite you to group activities with other children living in care, and those leaving care, to help you feel more confident.
Support you in building positive and healthy relationships with peers and work with you and your schools through PEPs and your annual review to resolve any difficulties (for example, bullying).
To support you when you need help with school, transitions between schools and preparing for employment and training.
You have the help you need to develop your skills to gradually look after yourself and are given continued support to negotiate the challenges of adult life.
You are provided with a good standard of accommodation and housing and that your move to independence is a positive experience.
That we keep in touch with you on your journey and you know what you are entitled to including the care experienced young peoples promise and our local offer.
To support you to achieve your best outcomes.
To hold an annual star awards event to celebrate your achievements.
You get additional support when you are a young parent.
Leaving care
We are here to support you on the next steps. Following changes introduced through the Children and Social Work Act 2017, you will be able to ask for support from your Personal Adviser up to the age of 25, whether you are in education or training or not.
We promise:
We promise:
Council tax - Wiltshire Care leavers will be exempt from paying council tax until 25 years
Emotional and mental health support - Samaritans, MOND and ERETHINK, CAMH
We promise:
Rev's and Ben's (revenues and benefits) workshop and surgeries
Leaving care grant and discretionary payments
Should you wish to find out more and you are still in contact with the Leaving Care Team, please call or email us.
If you are no longer in contact, please call 01249 707990 or 01722 438165 and we will be happy to help you.
Contact Children in Care Council (CiCC) - Tell us, it is part of our job to check that Wiltshire Council is keeping its promise, tell us if you don't think that it is.
What can I contact the CiCC about?
If you live in care, you can contact the CiCC about any issue that concerns your life in care. This could be about your education, for example, or about your social workers, or where you live. The CiCC can help and support you to talk about whatever issue you want, and can put you in touch with people who can give you more information and support.