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FACT - Overview

The Families And Children Transformation (FACT) programme is a multi-agency partnership building on the considerable progress already made to ensure the services which safeguard and support children and young people work together in a coherent and structured way.

We are always seeking to improve the services we provide for our children and young people to help them live safely, healthily and happily in their own families and communities.

What the FACT programme will change

This is a wide-ranging programme to streamline and improve the way we work by taking a whole-system, holistic approach with corporate partners, staff, children, young people and their families.

We will promote multi-agency integration which will make us more efficient in providing our services and more effective at helping families and children achieve positive outcomes.

As part of our shared vision and shared Practice Framework, professionals will maximise the time spent with families, providing early support to prevent escalation and ensuring that our children thrive in their own communities.

Projects the programme is delivering

Contact us

Should you have any queries or wish to get involved with the FACT Programme please contact (opens new window).

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