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Voice and Participation Service


Wiltshire Youth Council (WYC)

Wiltshire Youth Council gives young people the chance to have their say on decisions that are made by the local authority. They have the chance to inspect council services, ensuring that these represent young people's best interests.

Children in Care Council (CiCC)

Young Carers Voice

Family Voice

The Voice and Participation service is focused on helping the voices and experiences of parents and families who have been involved in social care intervention in Wiltshire. Family voice focuses on those involved in children's hearings, child protection investigations, and families with children in care. Family voice gives parents with experience of social care intervention the chance to challenge current practices. It also advocate for changes that offer better support and respect for families.

SEND Voice

Overview of SEND initiatives

Wiltshire Council and the Voice and Participation Service are continuing to work on a range of efforts to enhance services and support for children and young people with SEND. The approach focuses on the voices and participation of SEND individuals and their families, ensuring that their experiences and goals are central to planning and decision-making.

Key projects include the SEND Children and Young People Participation Development Plan, SHARE Consultation, SEND Youth Forum, the "Meeting Needs Together - Ambitious for All" strategy, and expanded support for SEND parents.


Mind of My Own

Mind of My Own is an amazing tool that allows young people who receive support from Children's Services to express their views anytime. It gives them opportunity to send a message to their social worker, Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO), or other members of staff. Mind of my own is really useful when young people are thinking about anything that might be worrying them. Or if they have some fantastic news that they can't wait to share. You can also use it to express their views ready for any meeting or review that is coming up.

The app is available in over 100 languages!


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