Chippenham Train Station access improvements
Update on the new Western Arches traffic lights
The improvements to the Western Arches area are part of the Chippenham Transport Strategy, which was prepared as part of the future growth strategy for the town.
The strategy assessed the impact the improvements are likely to have on traffic flows within the town and highlighted key locations where delays were experienced on the highway network in peak hours - including the New Road/Station Hill junction. Transport modelling for the town incorporates the new development growth planned for Chippenham on to the highway network, and has identified that delays will likely increase at this junction in the future, also having a knock-on effect on many other routes around the town centre.
The mini-roundabout junction layout was inefficient and lacking in safety due to visibility concerns for vehicles on Station Hill to clearly see traffic on New Road. In addition, the mini-roundabout road layout did not accommodate cyclists in a safe and controlled manner, nor did it accommodate pedestrian movements adequately. Changes to the junction will allow the safe movement of all traffic, while encouraging the use of active travel modes around Chippenham and further promote active travel, assisting with the council's aim of being carbon neutral by 2030.
The installation of traffic signals and improvements to facilities that improve active travel form part of a wider a package of sustainable transport measures being implemented as part of the Chippenham Station Hub project. It has seen the conversion of the New Road/Station Hill junction from a mini roundabout to a signalled controlled junction in order to improve capacity, including better crossing facilities for pedestrians and improved facilities for cyclists.
Due to the proximity of the new junction at New Road/Station Hill there is a requirement to coordinate the operation with the existing junction at New Road/Marshfield Road. The operation between the junctions must be coordinated to provide progression between the two sites to ensure exit blocking does not occur through the shuttle working at Western Arches.
The traffic signals installation was commissioned on Wednesday 28 April. Unfortunately, the commissioning of any traffic signals on a live network is not a straightforward process and requires considerable effort to optimise their overall efficiency and ratify the data used to model their operation and timings. This process is ongoing.
During this initial stage, the traffic signals have been operating utilising fixed time phasing plans that run a defined sequence and period of green time for vehicles, irrespective of demand, which can often result in queuing traffic. Engineers were present on site during the initial operation to monitor and adapt these during the initial commissioning period. Further works to improve traffic flow in the area is taking place week commencing 3 May, with the introduction of the MOVA (Microprocessor Optimised Vehicle Actuation) functionality, which enables the traffic signals to become demand responsive.
Further improvements will also be undertaken in the very near future with the introduction of the Urban Traffic Control SCOOT (Split Cycle and Offset Optimisation Technique) functionality, that will enable the junction to continually monitor and independently adjust timings to maximise efficiency.
We apologise for any delays you have experienced while we make changes in a busy environment while attempting to accommodate existing road users through the junction. We are continually working to improve the junction's efficiency.