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Chippenham One Plan

Development of a new and comprehensive Masterplan for Chippenham Town Centre

Relationship to the Chippenham Neighbourhood Plan and other strategies 

Chippenham will capitalise on its history, location and beautiful surrounding countryside to maintain itself as an attractive and vibrant, riverside Market Town in which to live, work and for people to visit. Its future growth will be appropriate in scale, of high quality design, be environmentally sustainable and planned to mitigate the causes, and be adapted to the impacts of climate change. - Chippenham Draft Neighbourhood Plan; "Our Vision for Chippenham up to 2036"

It is important to understand that the One Plan is about the delivery and implementation of certain Neighbourhood plan projects and other strategies as they affect the Town Centre; it is not a replacement on the important work that has gone into those documents. So, the key messages for this project are:

  • we have listened through Neighbourhood Plan and other Town Centre Work
  • we are not duplicating or starting afresh
  • now it's time for us to move from the 'planning' to giving ourselves the best opportunity for 'delivery' of those projects identified in the Neighbourhood Plan and other plans
  • we give ourselves the best chance of successfully realising our vision through partnership working with the community, landowners and investors which will enable delivery through detailed design and construction
  • the Town Centre Partnership Board considered it would be helpful to bring together all existing ideas and strategies in a simple document setting out the future and this is known as the 'One Plan'. Your views were sought on this 'One Plan' during a six-week public consultation detailed below.
  • This public consultation was to seek your confirmation that we have heard you correctly and to also ask your views on some options for delivery.
  • The results of this consultation will answer the question - are we ready to start moving from the 'planning' stages to 'delivering' together?

The following table shows the clear status of the projects and their relationship under planning regulations.

The Development PlanLocal Plan
Neighbourhood Plan
The Delivery StrategyChippenham Town Centre Partnership
Other extant strategies: LEP Strategy, Transport Plan, Conservation Area Appraisal, Tourism, Wiltshire Town Centre Study 2020, Wiltshire Employment Land Review 2018
One Plan for Chippenham
The Pillars (Oversee delivery project work and report to the Chippenham Town Centre Partnership)Pillar 1: Managing the Town
Pillar 2: Supporting businesses
Pillar 3: Vibrancy, culture and communicating the offer
Pillar 4: Developing and integrating the town
The Delivery ProjectsProject 1: Chippenham River Project
Project 2: Upper Market Place
Project 3: Enhancing our town centre spaces
Project 4: Bath Road car park / Bridge Centre

Previous public consultation on the Chippenham Avon Project

The Chippenham Avon Project is the first scheme to be progressed from the Chippenham One Plan. A public consultation was held from 16 April to 5pm on 28 May 2024, where we asked local people to complete a questionnaire with their views on the Chippenham Avon Project Masterplan. Further information can be viewed on the Consultation on the Chippenham Avon Project webpage.

Previous public consultation of the Chippenham One Plan

A six-week public consultation on the Chippenham One Plan was held from 25 April 2023 to 5pm on 6 June 2023.

A report summarising the responses received to the consultation can be downloaded below:

Residents and businesses were invited to share their views and ideas on the development of a new and comprehensive Town Centre Masterplan for Chippenham to help boost Chippenham's economy, enhance the environment and celebrate the town's heritage.

The Chippenham Town Centre Partnership Board has produced the One Plan for Chippenham, which begins the process of bringing together existing plans and proposals into a single plan specifically focused on making things happen.

The One Plan draws on the Town Council's Neighbourhood Plan as well as work undertaken by the Town Team and other community stakeholders. It takes on board the aspirations of landowners and the town centre business community.

The One Plan has purposely focused on several key projects that would boost the economy and support the vibrancy and sustainability of the town centre.

Many of these schemes are focused on features that make Chippenham such a wonderful place to live, work and play. These include beautiful natural settings such as the river, Chippenham's historic heritage and making more of our town centre spaces and regeneration opportunities.

Through the public consultation, the Board aimed to seek as many views as possible from a wide range of stakeholders to shape the Chippenham Town Centre Masterplan.

Local people were encouraged to view the Chippenham One Plan consultation survey video ( (opens new window) before providing their feedback.

During the consultation period, a free public online live webinar was held on 27 April 2023 at 6pm. This webinar was recorded and you can view a copy of the recording at YouTube: Chippenham One Plan public webinar - 27 April 2023 (opens new window).

Three public pop-up events were held in various locations throughout the town centre, so officers could answer any questions people had. Flyers, posters and consultation forms were handed out to various community groups, organisations and local businesses to promote awareness of the consultation. In addition, unstaffed display stands were placed in the reception areas of:

  • The Rt Hon Michelle Donelan MP's office
  • Wiltshire Council's Monkton Park office reception
  • Chippenham Town Council reception
  • Chippenham Library
  • Chippenham Community Eco Hub
  • The Olympiad

    Consultation FAQs

    What will happen with the responses received during this consultation?

    We will analyse all comments received and take them into account as we develop the One Plan. A consultation feedback report will be produced detailing the feedback received and how this has shaped the One Plan moving forwards. This report will be published on the council's website.

    Will this be the only consultation on the proposals?

    No, Initial work on specific projects identified in the One Plan can be ongoing throughout the above consultation process, for example, on the River Corridor project. Once the One Plan has been endorsed through the appropriate committee to give status in planning decision-making process and funding has been secured to deliver these discrete projects, further consultation will take place with the local community so they can help shape the various projects moving forward.

    Chippenham Radial Gate and River Avon Improvements Project FAQs

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