Reduce your climate impact
What you can do as a school
The council has now adopted its Climate Strategy and has developed more detailed Climate strategy and delivery plans, including how it will engage longer term with schools in relation to climate change. This page gives some links to useful resources:
Modeshift STARS (opens new window) - the Centre of Excellence for the delivery of Effective Travel Plans in Education, Business and Community settings
UK Climate Change - Let's Go Zero ( (opens new window)
InterClimate Network (opens new window) - Inspiring the next generation of climate leaders
Energy Saving Trust: Campaigns - Energy Saving Schools Challenge (opens new window) Reduce carbon footprint at school - Climate Change and schools (opens new window)
Energy Sparks (opens new window)
WWF carbon calculator (opens new window)
Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE): Warm & Safe Wiltshire (opens new window)