Anti-social behaviour (ASB)
Introduction to anti-social behaviour (ASB)
Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) can affect anyone, and can become a key issue for some communities.
The Crime and Disorder Act (1998) defines ASB as behaving in a manner that 'caused or is likely to cause harassment, alarm and distress to one or more persons not of the same household'.
ASB can include:
- harassment/ Intimidation
- verbal abuse (including shouting and swearing)
- substance misuse associated behaviour
- vehicle related nuisance (such as car park related issues)
Reports will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and addressed in line with the tools and powers available to tackle anti-social behaviour.
These include:
- warning letters to perpetrators of anti-social behaviour
- Acceptable Behaviour Contracts (ABC) - A voluntary agreement between a person, the council and/or the police. The person agrees to stop the anti-social behaviour; in return a support package can be tailored to the individuals needs.
- Community Protection Warnings (CPW) and Community Protection Notices (CPN). These place certain restrictions on a person to stop conduct which is having a detrimental impact upon an individual or community. Initially a CPW will be issued, if this is breached a CPN will be issued. Failure to comply with CPN conditions can lead to prosecution by law.
- Closure Orders - This order enables access to a premises to be restricted as a means of tackling anti-social behaviour where there has been serious nuisance or disorder.
Wiltshire Council aims to work with partners to put sustainable solutions in place, to prevent anti-social behaviour from happening in the first place. Following this, the council will support individuals and groups to change their behaviour. We only use enforcement as a final measure.
ASB is not:
- children playing (in public or private spaces)
- people gathering socially
- parking issues (will be referred to parking services)
- DIY and car repairs (unless undertaken repeatedly and at unsocial hours)
- civil disputes between neighbours (including shared driveways, CCTV usage and coverage and boundary issues)
- one off complaints such as parties
- everyday household activities and or noise; for example, reasonable use of household appliances, noise from footsteps from general moving around within the property
The Crime and Disorder act (1998) changed the approach to tackling crime and anti-social behaviour via a statutory duty to act.
The council started to work in partnership with other organisations to reduce crime and disorder. Following a revision of the act, it states that the council should consider the implications of crime and disorder and anti-social behaviour, in every duty.
Wiltshire Council's anti-social behaviour team is committed to tackling the cause and effects of this type of behaviour and is working to deal with anti-social behaviour and the issues that cause it.
Wiltshire's anti-social behaviour team works in partnership with a whole host of other organisations to tackle anti-social behaviour; these include:
- Wiltshire Police
- Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service
- Wiltshire Probation
- Wiltshire NHS
- Crown Prosecution Service and voluntary sector services.
We have a small team of anti-social behaviour officers, they work with a number of services across the council including:
- Environmental services
- Services for young people
- Department of Children and Families
- Education and Community Development.
The main role of the anti-social behaviour team is to coordinate a response to anti-social behaviour, by using problem-solving skills and extensive knowledge of services to ensure every organisation that can provide solutions is involved.
In Wiltshire we have a proven track record of our dedication to tackling anti-social behaviour. We have monthly anti-social behaviour panels attended by a range of agencies, which deal with cases.
Before you report an incident of anti-social behaviour it helps if you have as much information as possible to give to those who may be able to resolve the situation.
To help:
- email (opens new window) to request a log sheet and use it to record any information relating to a person or persons whose behaviour is causing you alarm, harassment or distress
This may include a specific incident such as when:
- abusive language is used
- loud music is constantly being played
- when people are causing a nuisance
- it is also useful to include how the incident made you feel.
Anti-social behaviour can be dealt with by different organisations depending on the nature of your report.
Refer to the Community Safety - Who to contact for help page for more information.
For additional support please visit Victim Support (opens new window).
The powers are designed to reduce anti-social behaviour problems in defined areas. They do not prevent people entering an area, but do allow the police and police community support officers (PCSOs) to take action to disperse groups of two or more, if they believe that their presence or behaviour has resulted, or is likely to result, in any member of the community being harassed, intimidated, alarmed or distressed. Individuals can be directed to leave the locality and may be excluded from the area for up to 24 hours.
The police can also return young people under 16 home, who are out on the streets and not under the supervision of an adult, after 9pm if they are either at risk or vulnerable to anti-social behaviour, crime etc; or causing, or at risk of causing, anti-social behaviour.
Reporting anti-social behaviour (ASB)
Your complaint is covered by the Environmental protection team, who you will need to contact for assistance.
Contact the registered social landlord (RSL) directly.
Property owned by / registered social landlord | Telephone number | Email address or website |
Aster | 0333 400 82222 | Aster group website (opens new window) |
GreenSquareAccord | 0300 111 7000 | (opens new window) |
Selwood | 01225 715715 | (opens new window) |
Wiltshire Council | 0300 4560117 | (opens new window) |
Guinness | none | (opens new window) |
Sovereign | none | (opens new window) |
Stonewater | 0800 011 6420 | none |
Abri | 0300 123 1567 | (opens new window) |
Curo Housing | 0300 123 2468 | (opens new window) |
Private rented | not applicable | Complete the ASB diary log sheet |
Owner occupied | not applicable | Complete the ASB diary log sheet |
Other | not applicable | Complete the ASB diary log sheet |
Don't know | not applicable | Complete the ASB diary log sheet |
Email (opens new window) to obtain and complete the ASB diary log sheet.
Return this to (opens new window) or send to:
Anti-Social Behaviour Team
Public Protection
County Hall
Bythesea Road
BA14 8JN
Unfortunately we are unable to investigate claims of ASB without the evidence provided on the ASB diary log sheet.
If you are reporting criminal damage or theft please contact Wiltshire Police on 101 as these are criminal matters.
The ASB log sheet has been designed to report anti-social behaviour. It would be helpful if you could provide as much information as possible.
The information you provide may be shared within the council and with our partners (under section 115 of the Crime and Disorder Act) but will be kept confidential at all times according to the Data Protection Act.
You can find out how the council uses the information you provide us with by visiting the
Wiltshire Council takes reports of anti-social behaviour seriously and aims to ensure that Wiltshire is one of the safest counties.
Anyone facing immediate harm should contact the Police (opens new window) on 999.
It's not illegal to film anti-social behaviour (ASB) in a public place. First-hand evidence (your account of the situation) is preferable for reporting and required for a conviction (e.g. breaching an ASB injunction - an injunction aims to prevent an individual from acting in an anti-social way by including requirements and prohibitions which an individual must adhere to.) - you must be prepared to submit a witness statement with your evidence and willing to attend, if the case went to court.
You must be witnessing anti-social behaviour occurring, so you can justify why you have filmed the incident. You need to be aware that you may be challenged for filming any incident, even in a public place. If you record ASB, you need to immediately pass the evidence to Wiltshire Council or Wiltshire Police and then delete the video from your phone.
You may already be aware that filming ASB can antagonise the situation so you need to feel safe while taking the footage and that doing so won't put yourself, or the person being filmed, in any danger.
If the person you are filming is a young person (under 18) you need to be mindful of this and it is advised that you discuss this with their parents, if this is appropriate.
In all cases of ASB, the log sheets must be completed to evidence the ASB and allow us to respond effectively to the ASB you are experiencing.
ASB Case Review
The ASB Case Review was introduced under Section 104 of the ASB, Crime and Policing Act 2014.
It is designed to give victims of persistent ASB the right to request a review of their case, where relevant agencies work together identify any further action that can be taken to find a resolution.
A case review cannot be used to report new incidents of ASB (see 'Thresholds' within the 'Who can apply for an ASB Case Review?' section), or to make a complaint.
An ASB Case Review can be requested by any victim of ASB, or another person acting on their behalf, and with their consent (eg, a family member, carer, local councillor or other professional).
This person is referred to as 'the requester'. A requester can be an individual, business or a community group.
An ASB Case Review will be undertaken in the event a formal application is made by a victim of ASB and the following threshold is met:
Three or more separate, qualifying reports of ASB made to the police, council or housing provider in the past six months. Each incident must have been reported within one month of it taking place.
Be aware of the following:
- all three anti-social behaviour incidents must have been reported within one month of the incident taking place
- where the same incident has been reported to more than one agency this is classed as one incident, unless reported by five or more households
- anonymous reports do not meet the case review threshold, as in order for the tool to be effective the panel must review all the details such as the organisation it was reported to, the name of the employee spoken to, the incident reference number(s) and information about the incidents reported
- applications must relate to incidents of anti-social behaviour taking place in Wiltshire and reported to relevant agencies in Wiltshire.
If you feel that your case meets the threshold, or you want to speak to a member of the team about your case, please email us at (opens new window).
All applications will be handled by a lead officer, who will work with the agencies involved to determine if the request meets the threshold. This person will keep the requester informed at every stage of the process.
If the threshold is met, a case review will take place. Agency's response to each incident will be discussed, as well as the wider context of the issue(s) presented, and panel members will collaborate to identify any further actions that may be appropriate to resolve the matter.
After receiving an application, the lead officer will aim to:
- acknowledge the request within five working days
- notify the requester within ten working days if the threshold has been met
- if the threshold is met, hold a case review within 15 working days
- give the requester the opportunity to speak at the case review, if appropriate
- provide the requester with clear outcomes of any case review and regular updates on progress of any actions agreed at the case review
The meeting will be held virtually with an independent chairperson where possible. If appropriate, you (the requester) will be invited to make a statement at the start of the case review meeting.
Year | Number of applications made | Number of times threshold was not met | Number of ASB Case Reviews carried out | Number of ASB Case Reviews where recommendations made |
2023-2024 (correct as of the 30 June 2023) | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
2022-2023 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 |