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Complaints, compliments and suggestions

Complaints, compliments and suggestions

Wiltshire Council is committed to listening to the views of customers. If you have a complaint, a compliment or a suggestion then we would like to hear from you. Sometimes you can fix your issue without needing to make a complaint. Compliments and suggestions will be passed on to the relevant team.

How to behave whilst making a complaint

The customer complaints team will assist you to make the process of raising a complaint clear and understandable.

Making a complaint

Learn how to make a complaint to Wiltshire Council, including the process, contact methods. Access support and find out how we handle your concerns.

Complaints about elected and co-opted members (councillors)

Wiltshire Council is responsible for assessing and determining complaints about elected or co-opted members of all local councils within its borders. This includes members of Wiltshire Council and of all parish, town and city councils in Wiltshire. All councils must have a code of conduct in place.

Complaints about children's social services

Some complaints about Children's Services, made by or on behalf of children, are considered under a special three-stage procedure - The Children Act 1989 Complaints Procedure. If you make a complaint we will tell you whether we are going to consider it through this procedure or another one.

Complaints about the Wiltshire Police and Crime Commissioner

If you want to complain about the conduct of the Wiltshire Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) and/or the Wiltshire Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner (DPCC). When we receive your complaint, we will decide whether we can deal with it. If your complaint is about the conduct of the PCC and/or DPCC we will follow the PCC and DPCC complaints process.

Contact Complaints Team

Contact Details for Wiltshire Council's Complaints Department.

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