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Complaints, compliments and suggestions

Wiltshire Council is committed to listening to the views of customers. If you have a complaint, a compliment or a suggestion then we would like to hear from you.

Putting things right

Sometimes you can fix your issue without needing to make a complaint. You may find using these routes will provide a quicker response:

How to contact us

To submit a complaint, compliment or suggestion you can: 

If you need support to contact us, we can help you do this.

When you contact us, please provide as much information as possible, including the names of any officers you have already spoken to about the matter and any reference number you have relating to it.

Compliments and suggestions will be passed on to the relevant team.

What you can complain about

You can complain about:

  • a service you received
  • how a policy has been applied
  • treatment by a member of staff
  • or any other reason you are unhappy.

If we cannot consider your complaint for any reason, we will contact you to explain why.

Who can complain?

Anyone who receives a service from Wiltshire council or has applied to use a service can make a complaint.

If you want someone else, for example a friend, relative or representative to complain to us on your behalf, we will work with them to resolve your complaint. We will always need evidence that you have given your permission for someone else to complain on your behalf.

We can also provide you with information about independent advocacy services that could give you advice and support.

Your behaviour while making a complaint

We understand that making a complaint sometimes follow a stressful event or situation. You will be treated with respect and supported to make your complaint, and the matters you raise will be taken seriously and receive a fair response.

However, we will not tolerate behaviour or language that is unreasonable, aggressive, threatening, abusive or rude. For further information see Customer charter.

In addition, if an individual displays an unreasonable persistence in making a complaint, or raises the same issue even when a substantive response has been provided, we will consider applying restrictions on contact with the council as outlined under our relevant policies and procedures.

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