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Wiltshire Council pay policy statement

This policy can be made available in other languages and formats such as large print and audio on request by contacting (opens new window).

The pay policy statement sets out the council's approach to pay and reward for senior managers and the lowest paid employees for the financial year 2024-2025.

Its purpose is to provide a clear and transparent policy, which demonstrates accountability and value for money. The policy also meets the council's obligations under the Localism Act 2011 and the Code of Recommended Practice for Local Authorities on Data Transparency.

The pay policy is applicable to council staff and does not include schools support staff or teachers.

The pay policy statement sets out the authority's policies for council staff for the financial year relating to:

  • the remuneration of chief officers
  • the remuneration of the lowest-paid employees
  • the relationship between the remuneration of chief officers and employees who are not chief officers
  • the remuneration of the Coroner (as part of the statutory resourcing requirement of the Coronial Service). Note: the Coroner is judicially independent and is therefore not an employee of the Council rather a locally administered branch of the national judiciary.

Remuneration for the purposes of this statement includes the following elements:

  • basic salary
  • any other allowances arising from employment

The term 'chief officer' in this instance applies to more posts than the usual council definition, and includes the following senior manager roles:

  • Chief Executive
  • Corporate Director
  • Head of Service
  • Some strategic and technical specialist roles

The term 'lowest paid employees' refers to those employees on the lowest pay point of our grading system which is currently at £22,366 per annum.

Any other allowances arising from employment

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