Report fraud
Have you been a victim of fraud or a scam? Report it to Action Fraud (opens new window). Experiencing issues with a business? Reach out to Citizens Advice: Contact the consumer helpline (opens new window).
Reporting Fraud or Corruption
Are you worried someone is misusing council services or property? Have you seen wrongdoing while working with the council?
Report it via My Wiltshire. All reports are kept confidential
What you can report:
- fraud
- illegal activities
- any cover-up or wrongdoing
Not sure if you should report?
It's normal to feel nervous about reporting something you've seen.
These issues can affect everyone, waste money, or put people at risk.
It's important to stop illegal activities to benefit everyone in Wiltshire.
Reporting fraud
You can report fraud with or without logging in through My Wiltshire.
Reporting benefit fraud
Report someone you think is committing benefit fraud, on GOV.UK: Report Benefit fraud (opens new window). You don't have to give your details unless you want to.
Policies and procedures
- Whistleblowing policy: Helps people report wrongdoing in the council, like unlawful conduct or financial malpractice.
- Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Policy: Engages the community and partners to protect public funds.
- Benefit fraud (opens new window): Investigated by the Department for Work and Pensions. Call the National Benefit Fraud Hotline on 0800 854 440; or complete the DWP benefit fraud reporting form (opens new window).
- Anti-Tax Evasion Policy
- Anti-Money Laundering Policy
Transparency and reporting
Local government transparency code 2015 (opens new window): Lets residents see how money is spent and helps make anti-corruption efforts clear. We publish details of our fraud work.