Social media
We use social media to help make our information available to a wide group of people using a variety of websites and online tools. We work with various departments to provide a way for you to keep up-to-date with what we are doing and for you to be able to contact us and give us feedback through as many channels as possible.
You may occasionally come across other profiles that appear to be operated by us, but are actually operated by individuals or groups that are unrelated to Wiltshire council.
Talk to us on these channels.
Any re-tweets and follows are not necessarily endorsements. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about our social networking profiles.
Contact us about social media (opens new window).
Rules around the type of content Wiltshire council will accept on its social media pages
A post may not be published or may be deleted if they meet any of these criteria
- comments that are not topical to the article being discussed
- comments that are politically motivated
- profane language or content (unless appropriate to the site)
- material that perpetuates or promotes discrimination of protected characteristics. These characteristics can include but are not limited to, race, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation, religion or belief, pregnancy and maternity, marriage or civil partnership or gender reassignment
- sexual content or links to sexual content
- solicitation of commerce
- illegal conduct or encouragement/support of illegal activities
- information that compromises or may compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems
- content that violates the legal ownership interests of any other party
Wiltshire council reserves the right to restrict or remove any content that is deemed in violation of this social media policy or any applicable law.
Social media allows people great freedom in how they communicate and express themselves. To help ensure everyone is able to equally benefit from social media sites we would ask people to abide by the following principles
- I will tell the truth
- I will write deliberately and with accuracy
- I will acknowledge and correct mistakes promptly
- I will preserve the original post, using notations to show where I have made changes to maintain the integrity of my publishing
- I will never delete a post, although a poster could delete their own post and repost to correct information where there is an error such as an incorrect link, providing no one has liked or commented on it
- I will not delete comments unless they do not meet the requirements of this policy
- I will reply to emails and comments when appropriate, and do so promptly
- I will strive for high quality with every post - including basic spellchecking
- I will stay on topic
- I will disagree with other opinions respectfully
- I will link to online references and original source materials directly
- I will disclose conflicts of interest
- I will keep private issues and topics separate from work issues and topics
For updates, news and to get in touch, follow our corporate council accounts:
- Facebook: Wiltshire Council (opens new window) - Main Wiltshire council Facebook page
- X: Wiltshire Council (opens new window) - Tweets from Wiltshire council
- LinkedIn: Wiltshire Council (opens new window) - Wiltshire council's LinkedIn profile
- YouTube: Wiltshire Council (opens new window) - View videos on our YouTube channel
- FlickrĀ - Photos from Wiltshire council (opens new window)
- Pinterest: Wiltshire Council (opens new window) - See items we have "pinned" to our board
- Instagram: Wiltshire Council (opens new window) - View photos from Wiltshire Council
- X: Wiltshire Winter (@WiltshireWinter) (opens new window) - Updates about what Wiltshire council is doing to keep the traffic moving during severe weather
- X: Wiltshire Roads (opens new window) - Keeping you up-to-date with any problems affecting the roads and highways in Wiltshire
- X: Connecting Wiltshire (opens new window) - Updates and information about travelling on foot, bike, bus, train or car in Wiltshire
- Facebook: Connecting Wiltshire (opens new window) - Plan your travel journeys around Wiltshire
Facebook - Wiltshire Council Housing (opens new window) - The official housing management Facebook page for Wiltshire council. A page for current and future tenants to get in touch with the team and keep up to date with all the latest news about housing in your area
- X: Wilts Libraries (opens new window) - Wiltshire council Libraries Twitter feed
- X: Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre (opens new window) - Discover more about Wiltshire's people, places and history with updates from our history centre
Find your local SEPM or Councillor - contains details of the Strategic Engagement and Partnerships Manager (SEPM) social media accounts
- Facebook: Wiltshire Countryside (opens new window) - Working with local communities to look after Wiltshire's amazing countryside and rights of way network
- X: Wiltshire Countryside (opens new window) - Working with communities in Wiltshire to enhance our countryside
- YouTube: Wiltshire Healthy Schools (opens new window) - Videos relating to the health and wellbeing of children and young people in Wiltshire
- X: Wiltshire Healthy Schools (opens new window) - Addressing the health and wellbeing of children and young people
- Facebook: No Worries! Wiltshire (opens new window) - No Worries Wiltshire is a Public Health & Wiltshire council service where young people can get information about sexual health, preventing pregnancy and being positive about sexuality
- Facebook: Wiltshire Youth Arts (opens new window) - Wiltshire Youth Arts is a partnership between Wiltshire council Integrated Youth Service and the Wiltshire council Arts Service. Our purpose is to stimulate and deliver high quality arts opportunities for 13-21 year olds in Wiltshire that are relevant to their needs and interests
- X: Wiltshire Youth Arts (opens new window) - Delivering arts opportunities for young people in Wiltshire
- X: Wiltshire Next Gen (opens new window) - Letting you know about things to do, places to go or people to talk to in Wiltshire
- Facebook: Music Matters Wiltshire (opens new window) - Music Matters is a music project for 13-19 year olds in Wiltshire giving young people the chance to experience everything to do with writing, playing and recording music
- Facebook: Wiltshire StreetGames (opens new window) - Like our page for updates on StreetGames clubs, The Wilts X Games, Skate Series and more
- Facebook: Oxenwood Outdoor Education Centre (opens new window) - Oxenwood Outdoor Education Centre is available for use of schools, youth groups and other organised groups for a range of activities
- X: Five Rivers Centre in Salisbury (opens new window) - Tweets from Five Rivers Leisure Centre in Salisbury
- Facebook: Five Rivers Health and Wellbeing Centre (opens new window) - Updates from Five Rivers Leisure Centre in Salisbury
- X: Amesbury Sports and Community Centre (opens new window) - Tweets and updates from Amesbury Leisure Centre
- X: Devizes Leisure Centre (opens new window) - Tweets and updates from Devizes Leisure Centre
- Twitter: Durrington Swimming and Fitness Centre (opens new window) - Updates from Durrington Leisure Centre
- Facebook: Durrington Swimming & Fitness Centre (opens new window) - Updates from Durrington Leisure Centre
- X: Marlborough Leisure Centre (opens new window) - Tweets and updates from Marlborough Leisure Centre
- X: Tidworth Leisure Centre (opens new window) - Tweets and updates from Tidworth Leisure Centre
- Facebook: Tidworth Leisure Centre (opens new window) - Updates from Tidworth Leisure Centre
- Facebook: Tisbury Leisure Centre (opens new window) - Updates from Tisbury Leisure Centre
X: Active Wiltshire (opens new window) - Everything to do with sports development, sports events, health and physical activity in Wiltshire
- Facebook: Wiltshire Employment Support Team (opens new window) - Supported Employment Service for adults with learning disabilities and autistic spectrum conditions, provided by Wiltshire council
- X: Wiltshire C Careers (opens new window) - Official Twitter feed for career opportunities at Wiltshire council
- Instagram: Wiltshire Council Careers (@wiltscareers) (opens new window)
X: The Wiltshire Intelligence Network (opens new window) - The Wiltshire Intelligence Network consisting of a number of organisations involved in the collection and analysis of local data
X (formerly Twitter) is a service for people to communicate and stay in contact through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to a simple question: What's happening?
X is free to use, and you can create an account on the X website (opens new window). Once signed up, you can 'follow' our X feed and receive updates on news and events happening across Wiltshire.
Facebook is a social networking website for people to connect with family, friends and businesses
Facebook is free to use, and you can create an account on the Facebook website (opens new window). Once signed up, you can 'like' our Facebook page, follow our latest updates on news and events in Wiltshire and contact us through the page.
Instagram (opens new window) is a free photo sharing app which allows you to transform photos by applying filters and effects.
Once signed up, you can follow Wiltshire Council and stay up-to-date with pictures from the latest news and events happening in Wiltshire.
LinkedIn: Log in (opens new window) is a social networking website used by the business community and people in professional occupations for networking.
YouTube (opens new window) is a video sharing website on which users can upload and share videos. The council has its own YouTube channel where we post videos about our services and events we're involved in.
Flickr is an online photo management and sharing site. We have our own FlickrĀ - Photos from Wiltshire council (opens new window) where photographs of our services and related subjects such as events, countryside and urban landscapes can be added.
Pinterest (opens new window) is a photo-sharing website. Users can browse other boards for images, re-pin images to their own boards, or like photos.