Child exploitation and extra familial harm
Help and advice for young people, parents and professionals, County Lines
It's not okay for someone to manipulate you into doing sexual acts for their own or someone else's benefit. If you're under 18, this is called child sexual exploitation and it is against the law.
Thanks to Its not OK (opens new window) and Lancashire PCC: Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) (opens new window) for allowing us to use their content and images.
What is CSE?
What is child sexual exploitation?
County Lines
Protecting Children and Vulnerable People from Exploitation.
Information, help and support
Child sexual exploitation (CSE) information, help and support.
Advice for parents
Worried about your child?
Advice for professionals
Information and resources for people who work with young people or have a duty of care towards a child.
Advice for businesses
We all have a responsibility to protect children from child sexual exploitation, including local businesses.