About Freedom of Information
The Freedom of Information Act (opens new window) and Environmental Information Regulations (opens new window) give you the right to request recorded information held by Wiltshire council. Recorded information includes printed documents, computer files, letters, emails, photographs and sound or video recordings.
The Data Protection legislation gives you the right to access your personal data; personal data is information about you. For further information about personal information visit Data protection.
Publication Scheme
This is a guide to the information that we publish as a matter of routine. The scheme is intended to make sure that a wide range of information is easily available without the need to make a specific request for information.
Local Government Transparency Code 2015
The Transparency Code was issued to meet the Government's desire to place more power into citizens' hands to increase democratic accountability and make it easier for local people to contribute to the local decision-making process and help shape public services.
Requests for information
Details of how you can request Freedom of Information requests using FOI or EIR, including what we will do with the information you give us.
FOI/EIR Request statistics
Public authorities are encouraged to publish statistics on their performance on handling requests under the legislation; we publish these figures quarterly. The previous 2 full calendar years and the current year are below. Quarter four 2024 figures will be published in January 2025.
Figures are compiled 20 working days from the end of the calendar month they refer to, i.e. January figures were compiled on 1 March which allowed for those requests received on 31 January to have been processed up to the 20-day time limit. Internal review figures represent the number of internal reviews received in the calendar month; they do not relate back to the month in which the original request was received.