Don't Mess with Wiltshire campaign aims to tackle litter in the county
Wiltshire Council has today (Monday 29 January) launched a new campaign to help reduce littering in county
Wiltshire Council has today (Monday 29 January) launched a new campaign to help reduce littering in county. The striking Don't Mess with Wiltshire campaign focuses on littering in towns and parishes, plus litter hotspots such as laybys and on main roads such as the A36 and A303.
The campaign, which will be seen on media, buses, social media posters and on-demand television, will be backed up by more enforcement of litter offences - including CCTV cameras in lay-bys on main roads and new officers to prosecute persistent fly-posters - along with more community litter collections, litter picks on main roads, plus educational resources to encourage behaviour change.
Cllr Caroline Thomas, Cabinet Member for Transport, Street Scene and Flooding, said: "Litter is a blight on the beautiful landscapes that we are lucky to have in Wiltshire and it can also be harmful to our local wildlife and environment. Rural litter can be a big problem for us and we currently spend more than £1.5 million per year cleaning up litter across the county.
"As part of our Business Plan commitment to take responsibility for the environment, we are launching the Don't Mess with Wiltshire campaign to encourage behaviour change and reduce the incidents of littering in the first place - these are key priorities for us to focus on.
"Don't Mess with Wiltshire is encouraging people to play their part to keep the countryside clean, use litter bins or take it home to recycle or dispose of in their household waste. It is a great opportunity to educate people to dispose of their litter responsibly and to empower them to take part in litter picking initiatives in their local community.
"Last year, we estimate that community litter picking groups saved the taxpayer in the region of £32,000; if we can encourage more people to help us in the fight against litter, we can spend money on other essential services instead."
While some of Wiltshire Council's responsibility for litter collection is delegated to town and parish councils in Chippenham, Salisbury, Trowbridge, Pewsey and Devizes, we are committed to working in partnership with local communities across Wiltshire to ensure where litter is dropped it is addressed quickly and enforcement of littering offences is undertaken to ensure behaviour change.
To report high volumes of litter in Wiltshire or to find out more about the campaign and how to get involved in a community litter pick, people should visit our website.