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Chippenham Station Hub


The Chippenham Station Hub scheme is a Local Growth Funded Project which the SWLEP is delivering with Wiltshire Council and its partner organisations - Network Rail and Great Western Rail alongside a wide range of stakeholders. 

This scheme was developed in order to:

  • help delivery economic development in a sustainable manner by improving the use of public transport.
  • enhance the experience for those arriving at the station, improving the station's role as a transport gateway to Chippenham town centre.
  • support the growth in demand created by Great Western Main Line Modernisation Programme.

 The project includes the following benefits in particular:

  • Improve the attractiveness of public transport links as well as pedestrian and cycle connectivity to the station and town centre.  This will also reduce congestion at the station and on the local highway network.
  • Public realm enhancements to the Station Square and north side walking route to the lift, to be delivered by GWR, will create a more welcoming and safer station environment. These will include a larger pedestrian realm, improved accessibility, better  walkways, a widened entrance to the short stay car park, an increase in disabled car parking spaces and more cycle parking facilities.
  • A new lift in the northern car park to be delivered by Network Rail will improve accessibility and benefit passengers with reduced mobility, and also those travelling with children or heavy luggage or anyone who find stairs a struggle.
  • Development around the station, such as the office block and car park at Sadlers Mead will create jobs and support growth and make it more attractive to residents and businesses looking to relocate into the area.

Works description

New lift in the north car park

A new lift in the north car park leads onto the 'Access for All' footbridge which was built at the station in 2016. The work requires a temporary closure of the public right of way over the footbridge while the lift is being connected to the bridge deck. Work is taking place from spring to summer 2021.

Contact details

Network Rail 24-hour helpline: 03457 11 41 41
Email:  (opens new window)

New designated walking route

A new designated walking route leading up to the lift which requires the reconfiguration of the stairs.  These works will follow the lift installation and will also require a temporary closure of the stairs as well as a (through the reconfiguration of the stairs) permanent change to the Public Right of Way across the bridge. These works will be managed and delivered by Great Western Railway. Works will take place summer to autumn 2021.

These works include:

  • Install third lift in the north car park (NR activity)
  • Create dogleg steps exit off new footbridge (GWR activity)
  • Create 6 x disabled parking spaces (GWR activity)

Please note: The footbridge will be temporarily closed for a limited number of days/nights towards the end of the installation of the lift, to enable the connection to be made from the lift to the deck.

It is anticipated the staircase work will result in a longer closure.

Contact details

GWR helpline: 03457 000 125 
Email:  (opens new window)

New Station Square entrance

A new Station Square entrance including public realm improvements to the Station Square including improved pedestrian and cycle links to the town centre, additional cycle parking, improvement works to the bus interchange, surfacing works including to parking area and the taxi rank.  These works will be managed and delivered by Great Western Railway. Works will take place from spring to summer 2021.

These works include:

  • Reconfigure the layout and clear demarcation between transport modes
  • Widen entrance of the short stay car park, reconfiguring spaces therein 
  • Path around short stay car park resurfaced
  • New disabled parking in short stay car park
  • Extend pedestrian realm at front of station and resurface
  • Make station exit wider
  • Move Biffa bins away from this area
  • Existing taxi area becomes a cycle hub
  • Taxis move to a new two-lane rank area to the right of Station Square as one exits the station
  • Taxi rank reduces in size from 10 vehicle capacity to 6 
  • Station Square reduced in size, foliage removed and new path created in direction of main ped flow

Contact details

GWR helpline: 03457 000 125 
 Email:  (opens new window)

New development at Sadlers Mead

Update: Following the suspension of the Good Energy office development as a result of Covid-19 impacts, Wiltshire Council continues to pursue opportunities to bring forward the site in the future.

A new development at Sadlers Mead consisting of a high-quality commercial building and decked car parking as well as improved cycle and pedestrian connectivity.  These works are being managed and delivered by Wiltshire Council.  Works due to be completed by spring 2021.

Contact details

Wiltshire Council
Economic Development 
Phone: 0300 456 0100

Sustainable Transport Improvements

A range of wider Sustainable Transport Improvements which include improved bus passenger waiting facilities, new cycle and pedestrian routes and facilities and capacity improvements around the train station.  The works include the replacement of the existing mini roundabout at the junction of Station Hill and New Road with a new signalised junction. These works are being managed and delivered by Wiltshire Council and are due to be completed by spring 2021. 

Contact details

Wiltshire Council
Phone: 0300 456 0105

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