The Swindon and Wiltshire Business and Growth Unit was established on 1 June 2024 following the transfer of the functions of the Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership to Wiltshire Council and Swindon Borough Council. This transfer took place in response to government policy nationally.
The Swindon and Wiltshire Business and Growth Unit (SWBGU), is delivered by Wiltshire Council, as lead authority, working with Swindon Borough Council. In doing so the SWBGU continues to deliver the three core functions of the former LEP:
- To represent the voice of businesses;
- To develop economic strategies and undertake economic analysis; and
- Deliver government programmes such as the Growth Hub.
Governance structure
A new governance structure has been established to ensure the effective operation and oversight of the Swindon and Wiltshire Business and Growth Unit.
On a strategic and advisory level, the Swindon and Wiltshire Economic Advisory Board (EAB) has been established as a voluntary collaboration between the public and private sectors. It is chaired by the Leaders of two local authorities and comprises a further ten business and academic organisation representatives. The EAB operates as a platform for businesses to influence decisions impacting the area's economic policy and strategy development. You can view the Emerging Draft Strategy for Swindon and Wiltshire 2024-2036 in the downloads section.
The following Board members are currently appointed to the EAB, which held its first meeting on 3 September 2024:
- Ben Woods, Director of Regional Development and Advocacy, University of Bath
- Pepper Barney, Co-founder, BiBO
- Dan Beckles and Monty George (shared position), Co-founders, Furniture Box
- Iain Hatt, Principal & CEO, Wiltshire College and University Centre
- Andy Hogben, Managing Director, Chemring Countermeasures
- Federation of Small Businesses representative
- Kate Mills, Business & Education Development Manager, Key Performance Training
- Alison North, Founder, AN Information Ltd
- James Watson, Panattoni UK Developments Ltd
- Debbie Willliams, Managing Director and Co-founder, John Williams Heating
- Abdul-Basit Mohammed, Knowledge Transfer Manager, Innovate UK
- Dr Mark Matthews, Strategy and Advisory Director, Ipsos and various advisory roles
The Board is supported by five, theme-based subgroups and through engagement with wider community and business networks: Skills Group, UKSPF Local Partnerships, Principle Settlements Place Partnerships, Rural Economy Sector Group, Business Intelligence and Networking Sub Group.
The EAB's advice and recommendations feed through to the Joint Oversight Partnership (JOP) level and to the Joint Management Partnership (JMP) for action.
The Joint Oversight Partnership is responsible for the strategic management and delivery of the SWBGU and it operates through a joint service level agreement between Swindon Borough Council and Wiltshire Council.
The Joint Management Partnership comprises officers representing economy, regeneration, skills and strategic place from both councils. It is responsible for engaging on delivery of the economic functions across the two local authority areas.
Wiltshire Council has taken on the business support functions from Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership.
This follows the Government's announcement that all Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) functions should be transferred back to local authorities. The Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership (SWLEP), Swindon Borough Council and Wiltshire Council reached an agreement that Wiltshire Council will take on the services previously offered by SWLEP from the 1 April 2024 and will deliver business support functions over both council areas. This will complement the business advice and support services that the council already provides.
Over the coming year, SWLEP will be working hard to make this transition as smooth as possible, with Wiltshire Council and Swindon Borough Council all committed to working together to deliver for businesses in Wiltshire and Swindon.
Read the full Wiltshire Council Business News article : Wiltshire Council to take on business support functions from Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership
The Growth Hub (opens new window) is a new online community developed exclusively for the businesses of Swindon and Wiltshire.
The Hub directs you to a wide range of impartial business support and advice, as well as providing valuable insights, access to events, specialist programmes and funding to help your business thrive.
The One Public Estate programme is an established national programme delivered in partnership by the LGA and the Office of Government Property (OGP) within the Cabinet Office. For further details follow this link: One Public Estate (opens new window)
The Wiltshire One Public Estate Programme was established in 2013 and works to identify opportunities through combined estate which in turn help to realise savings and improve services. The Wiltshire One Public Estate Partnership meets bi- monthly and has members from the following public sector organisations:
Police Crime Commissioning Unit (PCC), NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), NHS Property, NHS Acute Trusts, Wiltshire Ambulance Service, Dorset and Wiltshire Fire Service, Wiltshire Council, Ministry of Defence, Avon and Wiltshire Partnership & Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership.
Connecting Wiltshire ( (opens new window)
- infrastructure
- road
- rail
- freight
- broadband
Result of the Salisbury BID ballot 2023
Local Government Act 2003
Business Improvement Districts (England) Regulations 2004
Business Improvement District for Salisbury
Declaration of result - 03/11/2023
As an agent of the ballot holder for the Salisbury Business Improvement District ballot I certify as follows:
Total number of votes cast in the ballot, excluding any given on ballot papers rejected | 281 |
Aggregate rateable value of each hereditament in respect of which a person voted in the ballot | £14,689,500 |
Total number of votes cast in favour of the proposed Business Improvement District for Salisbury | 258 |
Aggregate rateable value of each hereditament in respect of which a person voting in the ballot has voted in favour of the proposed Business Improvement District for Salisbury | £14,108,250 |
I hereby declare that the proposal to establish a Business Improvement District for Salisbury is approved. A majority of the Business ratepayers in the proposed BID area who voted, voted in favour of the proposal, both by aggregate rateable value and numbers voting.
Charlotte McGhee
Civica Election Services
The total number of ballot papers rejected was as follows:
4 Unsigned, unmarked or void for uncertainty
Total: 4