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Becoming a councillor

Could you be a local councillor?

YouTube: Be a Councillor (opens new window)

  • Do you have a desire to help and become involved in your community?
  • Do you believe in helping others to help themselves?
  • Do you like a different challenge every day?
  • Have you ever shouted at the TV and thought you could do better?
  • Are you prepared to stand up and be counted?
  • Are you self motivated?
  • Are you prepared to take part in learning and development opportunities?
  • Do you have time to spare to meet this significant commitment?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, it might be time for you to stand as a local councillor.

We need good quality councillors at all levels, who are ready and willing to engage with the community and make tough decisions. This could be by standing as a unitary, town or parish councillor, campaigning on local issues, volunteering or attending meetings.

Candidates Guide

View the short guide for candidates nominated to stand in the unitary elections Candidates' Guide 2021 - your guide to becoming a Wiltshire Councillor (PDF, 11 MB)(opens new window).

Types of councillors and services they are responsible for

Frequently asked questions about being a Wiltshire Unitary Councillor

Standing as a councillor and promoting your campaign

Find out more about standing as a councillor and promoting your campaign on the Local Government Association website (opens new window).

Democracy and governance at Wiltshire Council

More information about the council's governance arrangements can be found on our council, democracy and elections pages.

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