As part of the Council's duties under Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 ("the Act") the following contaminated land register is held and maintained, as prescribed in section 78A (2) of the Act. The contents are prescribed by law and is a register of regulatory action taken by Wiltshire Council as enforcing authority.
The register contains prescribed particulars relating to the following:
- Remediation Notices
- Appeal against remediation notices
- Remediation statements/declarations
- Appeal against charging notices
- Designation/termination of land as Special Site
- Notification of claimed remediation
- Conviction for offences under s.78M of The Act
- Other contaminated land matters as prescribed
Copies of the public register are available for inspection at the relevant area office. Copies can be provided on request however a charge is made. For more details, please contact us.
Table1: Contaminated Land Public Register OverviewEntry No. | Entry Type | Date | Description of land | Grid reference |
1 | Record of Determination | February 2007 | Former Warminster Gasworks Site, Furnax Lane, Warminster BA12 8SJ | ST 867 461 |
2 | Remediation Notice | 2011 | Scotland Lodge, Cholderton, Salisbury, SP4 0EJ | SU 2015 4292 |
3 | Notice of Claimed Remediation | 2004 | Talbot Cottage, Hazzards Hill, Mere | ST 816 325 |
4 | Notice of Determination | 22 April 2013 | Ansty, Edgebridge, Mere, Wiltshire BA12 6DB | 381646/132099 |
1. Remediation Notices
Notice served to secure remediation and specify timeframe for actions; where Wiltshire Council has identified land situated in its area as being contaminated land, as defined in section 78A(2) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
- Former Warminster Gasworks Site, Furnax Lane, Warminster BA12 8SJ. Grid ref ST 867 461. Date 2007.
- Ansty, Edgebridge, Mere, Wiltshire BA12 6DB. Grid ref 381646/132099. Date 2013.
2. Appeal against Remediation Notices
Recipients of Remediation Notices may appeal to the Secretary of State against the terms of the notice.
- Scotland Lodge Cholderton Salisbury SP4 0EJ (records Held at Salisbury Office, please ring to arrange access) remediation notice. Grid ref SU 2015 4292. Date 2011.
3. Remediation statement/declarations
The council is occasionally restricted by the Act from serving a remediation notice. Where this is the case, the council must prepare and publish a 'remediation declaration' and the responsible person will submit a 'remediation statement'. Section 78E(5),(6)&(7).
4. Appeals against charging notices
Councils are entitled to recover costs incurred in carrying out remediation works from 'the polluter'. A polluter who receives a charging notice may appeal to the magistrates' court within 21 days.
5. Special sites
Some sites are designated by the law as 'special sites' and these get referred to the Environment Agency for their oversight. These include specific industries such as gasworks or specific conditions such as pollution of ground water.
6. Notifications of claimed remediation
There are some circumstances where remediation may be carried out by a party and they then forward a notification detailing the remediation they claim to have carried out. Section 78R(1)(h) &(j).
- Talbot Cottage Hazzard's Hill Mere Warminster Wiltshire (records held at Salisbury Office, please to call to arrange access). Grid ref ST 816 325. Date 2004.
7. Conviction for offences under s.78M of The Act
If a person on whom an enforcing authority serves a remediation notice fails, without reasonable excuse, to comply with any of the requirements of the notice, they are guilty of an offence.
8. Other contaminated land matters
This section covers interactions between the different areas of the act with respect to Pollution Prevention and Control, and waste management.
Postal Address
Public Protection, Wiltshire Council
County Hall
Bythesea Road
BA14 8JD
Telephone: 0300 456 0107
Email: (opens new window)
Last updated: 31 March 2023