Explosives and fireworks
Fireworks can add excitement to special occasions, however, they are also:
- dangerous
- can frighten and disturb people and animals
- cause annoyance and damage
- have an impact on air quality
There are various Acts and Regulations covering the sale and use of explosives and fireworks, and there are enforced by various bodies.
Further information
- GOV.UK: Fireworks the law (opens new window)
- GOV.UK: Department for Communities and Local Government: Celebrating with bonfires and fireworks (opens new window)
- HSE (Health and Safety Executive): Fireworks (opens new window)
- HSE (Health and Safety Executive): Books, Explosives regulations (opens new window)
- Legislation.gov.uk: The Fireworks Regulations 2004 (opens new window)
- Legislation.gov.uk: Environmental Protection Act 1990 (opens new window)
- RSPCA: Keeping animals safe (opens new window)
- RoSPA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents): Firework safety (opens new window)