Code of Conduct for Approved Dog Walkers
By subscribing to the following code of conduct, dog walkers agree to follow the below points and set an example when in the community.
Approved dog walkers acting within the Local Authority area of Wiltshire Council agree to:
- Undertake a recorded pre-assessment of any dog they are walking to better understand the dogs needs and personality
- Keep accurate records for the dogs they are responsible for including signed permission for dogs to be allowed off lead and an agreement over actions to take should the dog become ill
- Ensure all dogs have up-to-date records for vaccinations, microchipping and that the owners carry out regular flea, and worm treatments.
- Ensure they have suitable and sufficient third-party liability insurance in place throughout the period you are part of the scheme
- Ensure any vehicles used are appropriately insured for business use throughout the period you are part of the scheme
- Ensure every dog walked by them in a public place wears a collar, with the name and address of its owner/walker inscribed on it or on a plate attached to it.
- Carry a lead for each dog they are walking
- Walk no more than 6 dogs or the maximum your insurance will allow, whichever is the lesser
- No person under the age of 16 years old should accompany business dog walks
- Be respectful of other members of the public in any areas they may walk and ensure all dogs are always kept under proper control
- Busy areas should be avoided where possible, especially at peak walking times
- Dogs must be kept on a lead when around livestock and particular care taken around wildlife, especially during bird nesting season (1st March - 31st July)
- Pick up the faeces of all dogs being walked and dispose of it in the correct manner
- Have a good knowledge of dog behaviour and skills in the proper handling of dogs
- Wiltshire Council encourages the use of positive reinforcement training methods only, use of equipment which would cause fear, anxiety or distress is unacceptable.
- It is a requirement that training in canine first aid is undertaken, and a first aid kit should always be available on walks (this qualification must be renewed every 3 years)
- Abide by all dog related legislation (a guide of which is listed in the PIF Dog Walking for Professionals Guide - PIF Guidelines (opens new window))
- Dogs should be transported in an adequately ventilated vehicle so not to cause them distress, especially during hot weather
- Dogs are to be kept secured with suitable caging or containment during transportation
- Dogs should not be left unattended in the vehicle other than short periods when collecting and delivering dogs
- Dogs are not to be kept within the vehicle for prolonged periods of time (day boarding) and should only be in the vehicle for transportation to and from home and to the place of walking
- During extremes of weather you must consider what is in the best interest of the dog and act according. During these times it may be more appropriate to carry out garden visits and 'play' time instead of actual walks.
- During high temperatures dogs should not be walked on pavements and concrete areas and if walks are still essential they should be done at non-peak temperature times and in shaded and soft ground areas
- Carry fresh clean water and clean bowls to offer the dogs
- All customers keys should be securely stored in accordance with insurance requirements
- Carry out and review risk assessments specific to the work and supply copies of written standard operating procedures for the areas mentioned in our 'useful information'.
- All dogs should be on a lead when leaving or returning to the vehicle to minimise the risk of confrontations with other dogs
- Be registered with a Veterinary practice
- To inform Wiltshire Council Dog Control Service of any Lost dogs immediately by calling 0300 456 0107
- Not to home or day board any dog without the appropriate Licence in line with legislation (more information can be found by contacting the Wiltshire Council Licencing Team - Animal licensing)