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Employment monitoring

We are a public authority covered by the Public Sector Equality Duty (Equality Act 2010) specific duties.

As an authority with more than 150 employees we are required to publish information to demonstrate our compliance with the general equality duty, in respect of our employees who share a protected characteristic. This includes information about our workforce diversity and inclusion profile and work we have undertaken to make improvements to workforce diversity and inclusion.

The council is firmly committed to equality of opportunity throughout employment and ensuring there's no discrimination against any employee or job applicant, either directly or indirectly. This applies to access to employment, learning and development, working conditions, treatment at work, promotions and dismissal and to developing policies, practices and procedures that promote equality and diversity and anti-discriminatory practices.

The council publishes employment monitoring data on 30 March each year in line with the governments gender pay gap reporting requirements.

Our reports include:

  • The breakdown and distribution of the workforce by monitoring information collected on the protected characteristics (age, disability, sex, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sexual orientation). Caring responsibilities have also been included.
  • The breakdown of monitoring information collected on applicants to the council (recruitment)
  • Positive actions and equality objectives in relation to our workforce.

Statutory reports

Inclusion and diversity employment monitoring report 2024

Employment monitoring report (2022-2023)

Employment monitoring report (2021-2022) (OpenDocument text format, 1 MB)(opens new window)

Employment monitoring report (2019-2020) (PDF, 473 KB)(opens new window)

Employment monitoring report (2018-2019) (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)

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