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Future High Streets Fund Salisbury

Funded by UK Gov




The Future High Streets Fund (FHSF) is a central government programme aimed at renewing and reshaping town centres and high streets in a way that drives growth, improves the experience for everyone visiting the town centre and ensures a sustainable future.

In 2021 Wiltshire Council was awarded £9,355,731 to develop a range of projects in Salisbury.

The funding has been split between three projects:

  1. Salisbury Station Forecourt (£5.3 million) - redesigning the station forecourt making it more attractive and accessible for visitors and residents
  2. Fisherton Gateway (£3.2 million)- improvements to the road network and public spaces along Fisherton Street
  3. Heritage Living (£800,000) - redeveloping a vacant listed building and creating apartments in unoccupied spaces above shops

These projects aim to reinvigorate the city centre by ensuring a greater experience on the high street for residents and visitors to encourage them to keep coming back, supporting business growth and enhancing the city's reputation as a destination of choice for tourists.

Projects in Salisbury

The Future High Streets Funded projects seek to embrace Salisbury's classically original charm. From a sense of arrival at the proposed newly improved Station Forecourt to a sense of place at Fisherton Street with its diverse range of independent businesses and spirit, these projects are helping to shape the city for tomorrow.

Frequently asked questions

Updates from the construction period

Public engagement / consultation

In December 2021, we asked residents and businesses in the Fisherton Street area to complete a survey to help us understand how Fisherton Street was being used for access, deliveries, parking etc. The results of this survey helped inform the emerging design going forward.

During the six-week period 7 March to 19 April 2022, local people from the wider area were again invited to give their views on concept designs for two of the three projects, namely Fisherton Gateway and Station Forecourt.

Salisbury FHSF consultation report Aug 22 (PDF, 2 MB)(opens new window) - a report summarising the responses received to the Future High Streets Fund Salisbury public consultation

The consultation leaflet gave an overview of each project and what we were proposing to do. Local people were encouraged to view the leaflet before providing their feedback.

View the FHSF Salisbury consultation leaflet (high resolution version) (PDF, 23 MB)(opens new window) or the FHSF Salisbury consultation leaflet (low resolution version) (PDF, 2 MB)(opens new window).

During the consultation period, two live online public webinars were held to explain the proposals in more details. Recordings of the webinars can be accessed below, along with copies of the Questions and Answers documents that were prepared in response to the questions raised during the webinars:

Two public exhibitions were also held at the Guildhall and three public pop-up events were held in various locations throughout the city, so officers could answer any questions people had. Flyers were handed out at one of the weekly markets to promote awareness of the consultation. In addition, unstaffed display stands were placed in the reception area of Bourne Hill Council Offices, Five Rivers Health and Wellbeing Centre and the libraries at Amesbury, Downton, Durrington, Salisbury and Amesbury which comprised a pull-up banner and hard copies of the consultation leaflet and survey.

Finally, presentations were also given to Salisbury City Council, Salisbury Area Board and the Fisherton Street Traders.

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