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Film classifications

Films that are to be shown to a public audience must be given a classification rating.

If you're a filmmaker or promoter, you can apply to either:

Making an application

To apply for the classification or reclassification of a film to be shown within Wiltshire, you must make your request at least 6 weeks before the date of a film screening for individual film classification requests, and at least 8 weeks before the date of any film festival.

Classification or reclassification deadlines:

  • individual film - at least 6 weeks before the date of a film screening in Wiltshire
  • film festival - at least 8 weeks before the date of any film festival in Wiltshire

We can only guarantee a film will be classified in time for it to be screened if we receive the request within the appropriate timescales.

Any classification of a film made by us is only applicable when the film is shown in Wiltshire. If you decide at a later date to show the film outside of Wiltshire and you have only applied to Wiltshire Council, you will either need to apply to British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) (opens new window) or the local authority where you intend to show the film.

You must provide a written synopsis of the film and a full copy of the film in DVD format and all films should include English subtitles or provide an English script in order for members to determine the classification.
Your DVD should be sent to:
The Licensing Department
Wiltshire Council
County Hall
Bythesea Road
BA14 8JN

Any appeal received against the classification decision of the officers will be considered by a Licensing Sub-committee. The Sub Committee will view the entire film, assess it against the latest BBFC Guidance, and the officer(s) decision and issue their classification. When considering classification requests, the Sub Committee must do so with a view to promoting the relevant licensing objective(s)

To provide an online link to the film or further information email (opens new window).

Film Classification - Licensing Act 2003First Hour£110
Film Classification - Licensing Act 2003First Hour - film festival (1 to 25 films)£110
Film Classification - Licensing Act 2003First Hour - film festival (26 to 50 films)£140
Film Classification - Licensing Act 2003Additional fee for each additional 15 minutes or part thereof£25
Film Classification - Licensing Act 2003Admin Fee - general£27
Film Classification - Licensing Act 2003Admin Fee - film festival (1-25)£40
Film Classification - Licensing Act 2003Admin Fee - film festival (26-50)£40

Please supply telephone contact information in when submitting your synopsis and DVD so we can call you to take the necessary payment.

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