Private fostering: Parents frequently asked questions
- No
- It is a private agreement between you and the private foster carer, but we have to make sure that a social worker is involved
- You will usually be expected to pay the private foster carers for the child's upkeep
- It is a good idea to make a clear agreement about how you intend to help pay for your child's upkeep
- The local authority does not pay for the child's upkeep
- Wiltshire Council's Children's services must check that the rules and regulations relating to private fostering are being followed
- We will arrange for a social worker to make checks on the private foster carer and visit their home
- We will visit the child regularly to provide support and advice to both the child and private foster carer, but also to ensure the child makes good progress
They will:
- If your child is being privately fostered and you have forgotten to tell us, don't worry. It is never too late
- Get in touch with us as soon as you can
- If you do not tell us, it means that we cannot support your child and make sure their needs are met
You should:
- act in your child's best interest and make sure that he or she is safe and well looked after
- arrange to pay for the child's upkeep
- talk to us about any worries you or your child has and you should keep in touch with your child and talk to them about why they are being looked after by someone else. It may be a confusing time for them
- In addition, parents should also:
- Give written notice to the local authority
- Give information to the local authority, similar to that which the carers have to give
- Inform the local authority of changes in circumstances, including the ending of the arrangement
- Give information to the carers about the child, especially medical information
- Inform the carers of any change in address
- Work with the carers to make sure the fostering arrangement works well for the child
- Continue to take parental responsibility for the child and be available for any important decisions
Private foster carers must:
- offer the child a safe and loving place to live and help the child keep in touch with their own family and a social worker
- tell the local authority if anyone else comes to live with them and when the child leaves their care, stating why and giving the name and address of the person into whose care the child has been moved
- Contact us for further information or to notify us of a private fostering arrangement