Future Chippenham
- Context to the project
- About the project
- Potential benefits of the project
- Project milestones
- Project progress
- Public Engagement / Consultation
- Future Chippenham newsletter
- Housing Infrastructure Fund bid
- News releases
- Cabinet reports
- Frequently asked questions
- Contact us
Context to the Future Chippenham project
Working to deliver the vision of a more sustainable Chippenham
The adopted strategic plan for Chippenham sets out a future vision for the town that meets local needs for jobs and housing while addressing some of the longstanding challenges it faces such as town centre congestion and new developments delivered in a piecemeal way. It aims for a more self-sufficient status for the town, so that the community can meet its living, work and leisure needs locally.
Employment and housing development will be highly sustainable and balanced, with early delivery of key infrastructure and key services to support growth. There is a goal to encourage young people to choose to stay and both live and work in the town because of the employment opportunities, access to housing and other available facilities.
The Core Strategy provides a spatial expression of the Wiltshire Community Plan 2011-2026: People, places and promises, and will be focused on delivering the three overarching priorities:
- creating an economy that is fit for the future
- reducing disadvantage and inequalities
- tackling the causes and effects of climate change
This is currently being explored in the review of the emerging Local Plan by the council as Local Planning Authority, which is the subject of a separate consultation.
Why new growth? - important context to the proposed new road
People are living longer, the population is growing and family size is reducing. All of this produces demand for new homes. There is a national requirement to deliver houses to meet local needs. If we do not plan for them, they will be built anyway, but we, as a community, will lose control of the process. That means we will lose the opportunity to control where they may go, on the infrastructure needed to support them, the levels of affordable housing for local people, the design and community benefits.
Previous assessments of Chippenham have highlighted significant challenges for the town in meeting its needs with heavy investment needed in new roads to relieve the volume of through traffic.
About the project
While there is a recognised need to deliver new housing at Chippenham, there is a current lack of road infrastructure which acts as a major hurdle in bringing forward the homes needed to meet future needs in a sustainable way. This was concluded by both the Inspector into the Chippenham Sites Allocations Plan and reflected in the published evidence of the Local Plan review. Both concluded that a connection from the A4 and the A350 is essential to the long-term growth of the town. Without the delivery of improvements to the town's transport infrastructure, there is a real risk that future development around Chippenham could result in significant traffic congestion in and around the town centre, exacerbating rather than resolving traffic problems.
In March 2019, Wiltshire Council submitted a bid to the Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF) from Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government. In November 2019, Wiltshire Council was successful in the award of a grant of £75 million.
The grant ensures funding is available to contribute towards the cost of delivering the strategic infrastructure in and around Chippenham to support the potential longer-term growth of the area, should development come forward.
On 13 October 2020, the council's Cabinet agreed to enter into a Grant Determination Agreement (GDA), with Homes England to secure the funding. This means the grant can only be used for certain activities and the council has to meet certain conditions. The GDA enables the council to recover the £75 million grant to reinvest into the delivery of the scheme, with any remaining recovered funds being invested into infrastructure to support the delivery of additional housing within Wiltshire.
Responses received from members of the public and key stakeholders following the public consultation in January - March 2021 on the Future Chippenham road route options have been reviewed, along with a review of updated information relating to land viability, updated environmental surveys and ongoing discussions with statutory stakeholders. As a result of this review, Wiltshire Council's Cabinet has approved that discussions should commence with Homes England on a revised scheme to deliver the Southern section from the A4 to the A350. Further details can be found in the report that was presented to Cabinet on Wednesday 21 July 2021. Agenda for Cabinet on Wednesday 21 July 2021, 10am Wiltshire Council (opens new window).
Discussions with Homes England regarding the revised approach to the delivery of the road have commenced. This revised approach seeks to address the concerns raised regarding the scale of the site, while continuing to deliver to a multitude of benefits for Chippenham.
A round of stakeholder and public engagement will be held in Autumn/Winter 2021 to help inform the development of a Vision for Future Chippenham. Visioning workshops have been held with key stakeholders and public pop-up events are being held around Chippenham. A schools' programme is also being carried out with local secondary schools. All the feedback received will help shape the vision for the Future Chippenham and will feed into the development of a Framework Masterplan for Future Chippenham which will be consulted on early in 2022.
Potential benefits of the project
Strategic objectives
- unlocking land to support delivery of up to 7,500 homes up to 40% of which will be affordable, specifically planned to meet local needs including first time buyers so essential to the local economy
- improving the viability and vitality of the town by providing homes and jobs to provide increased local customers for businesses and services
- transforming the town's housing offer
- ensuring that economic development and regeneration is delivered in step with the homes to increase the self-containment of the town
- providing much better connectivity and help to reduce congestion in the town centre
Economic objectives
- enabling economic development along the strategic M4 corridor
- improving access to training and employment opportunities
- enabling placemaking as part of the master planning process
Transport objectives
- providing an improved corridor for the movement of people and goods
- reducing town centre traffic congestion, providing opportunities to improve reliability of transport
- enhancing transport resilience in Wiltshire by providing connectivity to the M4 Junction 17 and A350
Environmental objectives
- minimising the impact on the quality of the environment
- improving accessibility for non-car users through promotion of sustainable forms of transport
- through infrastructure led delivery seek opportunities to reduce the carbon footprint of the road and scheme
Project milestones
The project milestones infographic is being updated and will be available to view in due course.
Project progress
Autumn / Winter 2021
- Stakeholder Vision Workshops
- Public pop-up events and drop-in sessions
Spring/Summer 2021
- Announcement of change in scope for Future Chippenham project, reflecting development south of the A4 only.
- Announcement of recommended preferred road route option.
- Future Chippenham distributor road route options Consultation Feedback Report published.
- Ecology surveys ongoing.
- Flood risk assessment progressing.
- Environmental Impact Assessment screening and scoping started.
- Traffic Assessment being updated with further traffic data.
- Ongoing discussions with statutory stakeholders and landowners.
Winter 2020/2021
- Public consultation on Future Chippenham road route options.
- Ongoing discussions with statutory stakeholders and landowners.
- Submission of representations to the council's consultation on the Local Plan review.
- Early Market Engagement with potential road contractors.
- Early Market Engagement with potential joint venture partners
Autumn 2020
- Finalised grant funding agreement with Homes England - December
- Cabinet agreed to enter into a Grant Determination Agreement to secure £75 million funding - October
- Stakeholder and Engagement Strategy approved - October
- Strategic transport modelling discussions
- Continued environmental/ecology investigation and surveys
Spring/Summer 2020
- Environmental investigation and surveys - landscape summer surveys completed
- Work to support the Environmental Impact Assessment across the whole site
- Draft sustainability strategy for the delivery of strategic infrastructure works
- Options assessment report for infrastructure works carried out
- Completion of strategic flood modelling and flood mitigation plan
- Draft Concept Framework for the site including strategic infrastructure works, utilities, parks and road bridges
- Development of a procurement strategy to support delivery of the infrastructure works
- Six public engagement events - November/December
- Housing Infrastructure Fund grant of £75 million awarded - November
- Housing Infrastructure Fund bid submission - March
Public engagement/consultation
Chippenham stakeholder and community engagement strategy
The Future Chippenham Stakeholder and Community Engagement Strategy (PDF, 390 KB)(opens new window) sets out our approach for engaging and consulting with all those with a possible interest in Future Chippenham.
Future Chippenham newsletter
To keep up to date on the progress of the Future Chippenham project, we will soon be launching a new Future Chippenham newsletter. You can sign up to receive this newsletter direct to your inbox.
Subscribe to newsletter (opens new window)
Housing Infrastructure Fund bid
You can view a copy of the council's bid to Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government in March 2019 for £75 million funding.
Bid - final submitted business case (PDF, 15 MB)(opens new window)
News releases
- Successful outcome for Wiltshire Council in Future Chippenham judicial review
- High Court Judge defers decision on Future Chippenham judicial review
- High Court Judge defers decision on Future Chippenham judicial review
Cabinet reports
Reports providing updates on the progress being made on the project are regularly presented to Cabinet and these reports and the minutes of the meetings are available on our website:
- 21 July 2021 (item 43) (opens new window)
- 2 February 2021 (item 30) (opens new window)
- 13 October 2020 (agenda item 118) (opens new window)
- 24 March 2020 (agenda item 44) (opens new window)
- 8 October 2019 (agenda item 134) (opens new window)
Contact us
If you have any queries regarding this project, please email futurechippenham@wiltshire.gov.uk (opens new window).
We aim to respond within 10 working days.