Pitch allocation policy
The aims of the Allocations Policy are:
- to provide accommodation for Gypsies and Travellers within the meaning of s225 of the Housing Act 2004 on Wiltshire council's permanent managed sites
- to ensure that a fair and equitable system of allocation of pitches is clearly established and followed
- to ensure that pitches are allocated on the basis of priority need and the effective management of the site
- to provide an efficient and helpful service that is responsive and sensitive to the needs of Gypsies and Travellers
- to ensure that Wiltshire council's policies in respect of Equal Opportunities and Customer Care are met
All applications for a pitch on Wiltshire council's Gypsy and Traveller Sites must be supported by a fully completed application form which can be found in the download section. The full name and date of birth of every person who will be living on the pitch must be included in the application; evidence of Identity will be required to support any allocation of a pitch.
All applications will be considered by the council. Customer Service Officers will assist applicants in completing the application form where necessary.
The application form must be accompanied by two checkable references. References should be from a current or previous landlord, employer, doctor, etc. but not another family member or personal friend. References will be checked at the time of the application. If an offer of a pitch is not made within 12 months of the application, more up-to-date references may be sought.
Eligibility for inclusion on to the council's register
Applicants will need to provide evidence or a reference to support their claim to Gypsy or Traveller status as per the definition in section 225 of the Housing Act 2004.
The council will inform applicants if an application has been accepted onto or declined from the register.
Applicants will be prioritised by applying the banding criteria in the Wiltshire council Homes 4 Wiltshire Policy, a copy of which can be provided by Customer Services.
- Local or Family Connection - Where applicants fall within the same band, preference will be given to those applicants residing in the county of Wiltshire at the time of the application or who have family currently residing on the site.
Exclusion from the register:
- Financial History - Applicants with a known history of rent arrears will not be included on the register unless there is evidence that rent arrears have been cleared and regular payments have been made at another site, house or property for a period of not less than 6 months.
- Impact on Site Management - Applicants will not be included on the registers that have a previous history of serious anti-social behaviour.
- Making a false statement to obtain a licence.
Examples of such behaviour include but are not limited to:
- Serious breaches of terms and conditions of licence agreements.
- Using their home for illegal or immoral purposes.
- Violent or serious anti-social behaviour.
- Making a false statement to obtain a licence.
Applications from residents already on a Wiltshire Council Gypsy and Traveller Site who wish to transfer to another pitch will have priority over "new" applications provided they will be vacating their original pitch. It is a condition of these transfers that applicants not have any outstanding arrears.
Applications may be cancelled and removed from the register in the following circumstances:
- At the applicant's request.
- If an applicant makes a false or deliberately misleading statement in connection with their application.
- If the Council cannot contact the applicant within a reasonable amount of time.
- If an applicant fails to provide information requested within a reasonable amount of time.
- If the applicant's circumstances change so that they may no longer be included on the register (see above).
The register will be reviewed every 6 months to confirm that applicants wish to remain on the register. Applicants must notify the Council should there be any change in their circumstances relevant to their application or if they wish to be removed from the register. Up-to-date contact details must be made available to the Council.
The council reserves the right to refuse an application if in the opinion of the council it is in the best interests of the site and its management to do so.
When a pitch becomes available it will be allocated in line with the Wiltshire Council Allocations Policy for Gypsy and Traveller Sites. The successful applicant will be sent a letter of offer which must be signed and returned to the council within 7 days. If the acceptance is not received within this time the offer may be withdrawn. If a reasonable offer is refused, no further offers will be made to the applicant and the application will be withdrawn. If the offer is accepted, the applicant will be required to sign a pitch agreement that sets out the terms and conditions of their occupancy.
Customer Service Officers will assist applicants in signing the offer letter and pitch agreement where necessary.
Applicants who wish to appeal against any decision made by the Council regarding their application may do so within 3 months of the decision, to:
The Gypsy and Traveller Manager
Housing Management
Wiltshire Council