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A350 Melksham bypass

Scheme Summary

The A350 is one of the most important routes in Wiltshire. It is a primary north-south route with regional significance connecting the south coast with the M4 and onwards to Bristol and the Midlands. In Wiltshire it passes around the principal settlements of Chippenham and Trowbridge via the town of Melksham and neighbouring village of Beanacre, and on to Westbury and Warminster. At Melksham, the A350 serves multiple functions. It is not only the main north-south route through the town, but also the main east-west through route (between A365 Western Way and Bath Road). It also provides access to the town centre and retail developments along the A350 itself for local traffic.

It has been a longstanding priority for the council to improve north-south connectivity along the A350, but to also recognise the important local function that the existing route serves at Melksham, and issues such as journey time delays and poor reliability, accidents, severance and noise and air quality.

This page contains background information about this project, which will be updated as progress is made and as further information becomes available.

Watch a video fly through of the emerging route (opens new window) 

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Current Position

After seeking the views of residents, businesses and other stakeholders on a variety of options in late 2020 early 2021, the scheme was worked up in more detail and we asked again for views on the emerging route option during summer 2021. Following the conclusion of the second stage non-statutory consultation, we developed and published the consultation report. 

A350 Melksham Bypass - Second Public Consultation Report (opens new window)

The findings of that second stage non-statutory consultation were reported to Wiltshire Council's Cabinet meeting in November 2021, Cabinet considered the response and how to move forward. Cabinet noted the response to the second consultation and indicated that potential route variants emerging through the consultation response should be subject to further investigation and consultation.

Agenda and minutes - Wiltshire Council Cabinet - Tuesday 30 November (opens new window)

An update presentation on the scheme progress was subsequently provided to Melksham Area Board in December 2021. A copy of the presentation slides from that presentation can be found here:

Melksham Area Board Presentation - December 2021 (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)

National Highways are currently undertaking a strategic North-South connectivity review. Their study encompasses the Wiltshire geographic area and includes the A350 as a key route. The outcomes of that study may have implications for the status of the A350, and the outcome of the National Highways works will need to be considered as the scheme develops.

Most recently, various draft documents have been submitted to DfT in connection with the OBC for consideration. Copies of the draft OBC submission documents are available through the FAQs below. These will be supplemented and updated as the scheme progresses in line with Cabinet resolutions.


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