Moving Traffic Enforcement
The Department for Transport (DfT) requires authorities to have undertaken a six-week public consultation process to notify the public of the council's intention to apply for a Designation Order and undertake enforcement of Moving Traffic Contraventions at the stated locations, using specific enforcement equipment. The public consultation ran from 17 May 2023 until 28 June 2023.
The results of the public consultation indicated a majority level of support at each site, therefore on the 20 July 2023 the decision to progress with the application to DfT for enforcement powers was made by the Cabinet Member for Highways, Street Scene and Flooding. The report, as approved, can be found on Decision details HTW-12-23: Application for Moving Traffic Enforcement Powers (opens new window).
The application to DfT was submitted but we have been advised that a decision has now been deferred until late 2024.
If Moving Traffic Enforcement (MTE) powers are granted, further public communication will take place on the initial locations before the progression of any scheme.
Any future sites that are identified as being suitable for MTE will be subject to a full six-week consultation process.