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Highway records

We maintain the Highway Records which show the extent of the roads, paths and verges that the Council is responsible for maintaining as Highway Authority and provide information regarding public and adopted highways.

We maintain the Registers of Common Land and Town and Village Greens and provide information regarding these. These are areas of land registered under the Commons Registration Act 1968 and Commons Act 2006. Common Land tends to be land that is subject to rights of common. These rights are owned by individuals and include activities such as grazing animals and collecting wood. Town and Village Greens are generally land that is used by the public for sports and past times.

We provide replies to highway related enquiries on the Enquiries of Local Authority Search form (Con29Required and Con29Optional) through the Local Land Charges Section. The search is a statutory requirement in any property or land-based transaction and reveals any planning, environmental health, financial and highway restrictions recorded upon the search subject.

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